Grade 10
Government and Geography; Create a country
- Describe the purpose of the project (ie. making connections between Government and Geography, etc.)
- Doing this project was such a nice opportunity to review interestingly what we learned in this unit. For instance, how people can relate the geography to the government and industry. In the beginning, I felt tired a bit to do the new project again, but this was so interesting, so I could sincerely enjoy to do it. my original purpose was to review and perfectly review the government unit and geography unit and to make some connections to understand it, so I could get the best product I could.
- What did you do, that would demonstrate your ability to accomplish the purpose (use evidence from your project)?
- I share my work with other people even outside of the class. I got the more critical opinion of people and kept fixing my project.
- What were the benefits of being able to view and peer review of other projects? How did this inform the changes you made?
- I could refer to other projects with my project to make my work better, and it was nice to get more information on what I needed.
- What changes have you made to your project that resulted in your end product? Why have you made those changes?
- Because I referred to critical pieces of advice that my peers recommended. I could make up for my fault or weak points, and it helped to my final product.
- What competency does either the project or the process reflect most? Using evidence from what you have completed, how does your product or the creative process demonstrate that competency?
- In my opinion, critical was the biggest part of this project. I had to develop our thinking and design everything new for our project. We needed to share the opinions of our projects and process it nicer.
Current Event
I learned about Toronto van attack in detail. Many people died for a suspect, who is only 25 years old and called “Alek Minassian”. I was so sorry about it. it was useless and meaningless terror ever.
My Health Goals
- Academic health – I need to get good grades on every subject I need to take. I am weaker English than other students, so progressing English skills as best as I can is the most important to my academic health. and using spare time wisely
- Physical Health – I need to do extra exercise outside of school because doing exercise is also very helpful with my mental health, too. Also, trying to consuming lots of vegetables and fruits usually is very important, too.
- Mental Health – Honestly, I think it is the most important health because if a human ruin this health, the physical, academic, and other healths will get broken, too. I need to spend time with people who I am very comfortable when I am with. Also, sometimes, I need to make and enjoy my wholesome hobbies: drawing, listening to music, watch movies, et cetra.
Credit Card Calculation
Yulie’s Future Lifestyle Poster
The Confederation Project