HCE 9 – English Assignment

In this assignment, we were asked express our feelings about a piece of artwork that was given to us; I chose to do this by using a poem. The piece of art called “Assimilation vs. Inclusivity” created by unknown artist, demonstrates the stages of emotion that indigenous kids went through facing racism and residential schools….

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English Honours 9 – Bento Box

As a class, we we’re asked to pick a book to read, we did group discussions about said book, once we finished the book we were asked to make the Book Bento. The Book Bento box project I did was made by using the website genial.ly to create an interactive image using symbolic objects connected…

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The Veldt by Ray Bradbury Black-out Peom

My black-out poem explores the short story created by Ray Bradbury, the Veldt. This poem represents the true consequences that technology has on society. I made this by using a printed copy of the page 256 of the book “The Red Rising” by Peirce Brown. “Nothing.” A poem that was created to raise awareness to…

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Indigenous Explorations – St Anne’s Residential School

The assignment was to make an informative podcast to raise awareness about the residential schools that took place in Canada. I worked with Naina on learning the horrors of the St Anne’s residential school and those who were involved in this tragedy. Our podcast: Reflection: In order to obtain our information, we used websites that…

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Pathways to theme – One Pager Assignment

Sidewalk Flowers – One Pager The one pager assignment is a way to express your thoughts about a children’s book in the form of a one-pager. Splitting it into four sections, we needed to show connections, themes, ask questions and to site a quote directly from the book. This post will show my understanding of…

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Intro write assignment

My nighttime stroll Specks of light peaks through the smoke-filled air as I walk alongside tall glowing buildings and the palm trees in the shape of umbrellas, towering over the street. The air was so thick and humid with the delicious smelling food mixing in with the faint taste smoke. The smell of cigarettes and…

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