Week 1 – PC11 – exponents & radicals

Workbook : pg. 6, q. 10 Why?  Before doing this question in the textbook, I was confused on how to determine whether the answer was true or false. I was confused on what the function of the root (radical) sign was in these sorts of equations. I did the steps these way after Mrs Burton…

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Conclusion Finale – Culture Comp – Megan Antosh

Conclusion Finale – Culture Comp Personnellement, le choix a été difficile entre le Japon et l’Italie, mais si je devais choisir, je choisirais le Japon comme ma culture préférée. Chaque sujet avait un aspect très intéressant, de la philosophie à l’art. Tout était unique et enrichissant pour la culture japonaise. 1. Développement historique La façon…

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DID Treatment Infographic


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Elder Hazel’s Art Gallery – Article

Riverside Secondary; EFP 11 Students Encapsulate Oral Stories Into Comics; Shocking Fellow Classmates With Hidden Skills By: Megan Antosh ; October 29th 2024 Riverside students are assigned to create comic pages based off of indigenous stories found online, the differences in interpretations span indefinitely while walking through and observing the pieces of art. The gallery,…

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Is there a parallel universe?

Is there a parallel universe? -space wonder project-       Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you chased all your goals without fear… how different of a person you could have been if you hadn’t talked to that one kid at lunch in elementary school or even if you hadn’t…

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Into the woods

Into the woods In this assignment, my teacher asked each student from our class to investigate different species in the forest behind our school to identify their characteristics. We were also asked to investigate invasive species living in our forest and research their characteristics as well. Invertebrate variations: Damselfly: This invertebrate is not in fact…

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