Posts Tagged ‘#socialresponsibilitycc’

English core competency

for my core competencies, I want to write about my all about me project in English. I had to write about a memory I had so I wrote about my last time competing for dance. I thought this suited the communication aspect of it because I had to present it in front of the entire class which i did not enjoy. this helped me grow because I did much better than I thought or expected which was good and helped me grow into thinking that it isn’t so bad. I can further develop my communication competency by learning how not to get so scared anytime I want to present or speak in front of people and get over my stage fright in a way but other wise I like this project and it was interesting to get to know people this way. this is also relevant to growth in personal competencies because I had to learn how to speak in front of people and let them get to know me. even though I didn’t like it at all it was bearable and it really did let me get to know people in my class. this would also help with the social part and let me connect with others in my class that I might not talk to all the time and let me get to know who they are without actually having a conversation. I can further develop my social competencies, by being bolder when I present and not be so nervous socially.