Archive of ‘English 9’ category

whirligig project

bumper stickers:

  1. Brent wanted to take his own life because he wanted to be popular and date Brianna. The quote says, “death is a permanent solution for a temporary problem”. Because high school is temporary, and popularity is temporary it wont last for long but if he dies he will never come back and it will be permeant. It isn’t worth it.
  2. The quote says, “accidents are not accidents but precise arrivals at the wrong right time”. Brent had to go through something in his life that would teach him that being popular and fitting in isn’t everything in life. Also, that standing out from others is a good thing. He had to have a learning experience in his life and this was it.
  3. The quote says “its your road and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but NO one can walk it for you.” This is relevant because he had to go on this road to learn about himself and to redeem himself not just for him but for leahs mother and that he must travel by himself and learn on his own even though he makes allies along the way the journey is his to take.



  1. getting any respect at Montfort was going to be like climbing a glass mountain pg.

this was a metaphor in the story. Brent felt like he would never get respect or fit in at Montfort his new school and he felt like it was “like climbing a glass mountain” which would be very difficult because it would be slippery and its glass. He felt as if he would never fit in there and that none of the kids there like him. I feel like the author used this because they wanted you to realise how difficult it is for him there by using that reference.

  1. the voice flowed through his veins like morphine.

This is a metaphor because he didn’t actually take any drugs, he is just out of it and can’t process things properly in that moment. He was driving and he heard voices in his head telling him things that either weren’t true but he listened it was making him feel like there were drugs in his body because of the voices.

  1. A teacher lives forever through his students.” Page 70

This is a metaphor. I think the author put this in the story because he met a allies and he was teaching him how his teacher thought him. Just like the quote said a teacher lives forever through his students his friend was the student who turned into a teacher for Brent and taught him his ways and Brent turned into the student but soon he will become a teacher and his friend will live through him and his teacher forever.

  1. “I’m Korean. I can do anything if I apply myself.” Page 78

This would be symbolism because they are stereotyping him because they are saying because he is Korean he can do anything when he applies himself but it isn’t just because he Korean its because he puts the effort forward and applies himself that is why he can do anything. I think the author put that in the story because he was adopted into a family that wasn’t Korean and his mother had expectations just because he was from Korean decent.




  1. Brent felt he had a glimpse of Olympus

This is a biblical allusion because Olympus is a god he had felt like he saw a glimpse of him because when he was at the party he saw a room full of juniors or the people in his school/ classmates. They were almost like gods in Olympus for him because he wanted to fit in so bad.

  1. This morning they played some Corelli on the radio composed 1681 don’t you find it amazing that were still listening to it whole centuries later pg. 122 this is a historical allusion because it was back from 1681 Corelli was a musician and even years later they still listen and enjoy his music which shows that even years later people will still see your work not just art but any hard work you put in.
  2. He spoke the word Deneb in his mind and felt himself to be Adam. Naming the world around him pg. 63 this is a biblical allusion because Adam was a part of the bible and when he said that he looked out the window to the beautiful sky then he read on. He saw so many stunning sights on his journey, this is related to the theme because its like unseen forces because he can’t see it but he reads about it which makes them real and makes them powerful.

kindness starts with you

Image result for kindnessFor the most part, a change in attitude is brought about by small actions. This means that if your attitude changes your perspective can change as well and then you can think differently about things. Those small things can happen with just how you think and your point of view on things. Also, with the right attitude change can happen they can be minor or big. Both the theme and quote talk about making changes that can be made by ordinary people and how the way people think in the world is different and that when they believe themselves and not listen to what others say that’s when changes can happen. Also, how people can make changes by being bold and brave. doing things that are different and you don’t need to be anybody special just does what you believe in. A normal person can make a change that leaves a dent that doesn’t matter who you are. Don’t need to be famous or have money to make a difference in the world. Just by showing kindness and hope you can make a change. The quote even says the small everyday deeds of ordinary that keep the darkness at bay. Sometimes by doing something, nice things can make people more positive in life and you can do that easily by doing these things like. You can smile at someone who looks sad to make there day a little better or to put a smile on there face. If you see someone who looks lonely go sit next to them in class and talk to them and make them feel included this can affect someone a lot by making them feel welcome. sometimes people just want to talk, and that there is someone that cares and is willing to be there friend. even by doing something as little as complimenting someone is nice because maybe they aren’t that confident that day or someone said something negative earlier to them, but by complimenting them they will feel better about themselves and it could make there day a whole lot better.

Chasing the Night

Chasing the Night

It was a crisp steady night with no one in sight just me and my close friends on new year night. It all started when we met up at Lindsey’s house, she is my best friend of nine years. when we all got there, we started to set up for our new year’s festivities. we started this crazy night by entertaining each other by running outside in the murky night trying not to trip and fall over our own two feet. Each one of us had been phones out recording the downfall of each other as we dropped one by one tumbling to the prickly grass. the amusement of me being the first one stumbling down to the ground not being able to see in front of me because it is so dark. I try to stand up and grabbed the closest person to me which was Lindsey. quickly grabbing on to her, she tries to break free, but it doesn’t work. with me still holding on she immediately starts to sprint away as we both start tumbling down to the floor laughing until we were out of breath gasping for air in little short breaths. we are now crying from laughter as the tears fall from are blush rosy cheeks. I immediately get up running away from her. I have her quick on my trail running after me like the speed of light. we run and run until she trips over a harsh edge. we start laughing again panting because of how long she was chasing me. One of my friends quickly snaps a photo from her phone of us laughing and chasing each other in a quick blur. then We went back inside for the countdown. A little later we started counting, five, four, three, two, one then all scream on the top of our lungs HAPPY NEW YEAR. as the streamers went off confetti in the air, all in a muddy blur of colors and ear wrenching screams. all of us wrapped up in one big group hug we all started jumping and chanting twenty twenty-twenty. In a big circle, We all ran outside in a big hurry jumping around while Lindsey ran up to get her mom to take pictures of us, we all had sparklers in are hands while it twinkled up the night as we all burst out laughing at the silliest things. her mom quickly takes the photos of us as we all giggle before we knew it the sparklers went out and we were left in the darkness of the night. With no light in sight, we heard a rustle in the bushes we all cautiously turn one by one. Of course, Lindsey had to crack a joke we all started instantly laughing saying it was the bogeyman coming to get us. Right after with the light of our phones we see a little squirrel run out of the bush making all that noise. we all started are way inside stumbling because of how exhausted we were. we go downstairs to her basement watched some tv for what we thought was only a few hours but we looked over to a clock and saw that it is five-thirty in the morning most of our friends are fast asleep on the couch still facing the tv as it was only me and my closest friend Lindsey still sitting there wondering what to do. we decided to wake up are friends by yelling moo at each other wondering if they will hear us in their deep slumber.