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Protein Synthesis

The process of transcription is used for DNA sequences to be copied and then to make RNA molecules. Which are In these steps first it unwinds and unzips. second the complimentary base pairs, pair  with DNA then third it separates from DNA. What  is unzipping and unwinding it is when the DNA helicase unwinds the strand. Which then the complimentary base pairing, is when nucleotides that are not bound the complimentary base pairs with them on the backbone which has the DNA and the instructions. Then the joining is when RNA polymerase makes covalent bonds between “adjacent” nucleotides which is then on the new RNA strand which then this make the DNA molecule form into a double helix and the RNA is now edited then leaves the nucleus. Then the separation from DNA is formed by RNA polymerase which which gives the single strand template that is then used for transcription.


The process on translation happens with in three steps the first is initiation than elongation than termination. Initiation is when the messenger RNA bonds or binds to a smaller subunit of ribosome which then goes and bonds to then to two more subunits join together. Then elongation is when a ribosome holds some messanger RNA then reads its codons at the P and A site. Then it is then transferred to the transfer RNA and then where the amino acid chain grows and becomes longer. Termination is where the elongation cycle continues until the messanger RNA codon is at a site for which there is no complimentary transfer RNA then a stop codon which no new amino acids is added to the chained then the polypeptide dissociates from the ribosome.

Our model accurately reflects the process of protein synthesis because we showed each step one by one. Also it accurately shows the steps of the protein synthesis also the translation and transcription. However, it also misrepresented it because it doesn’t go into detail of every step of the process as it is vague and isn’t that useful. Only if someone is first trying to use this as a form of learning about protein synthesis. Some changes that I would make to the modeling activity is for there to make it better representing the processes. Which would be by making each step go a little deeper into the activity and for the instructions to be better labelled in which what to do. Since the first time we did the activity we did it wrong and I feel for people to be more successful in this, would be if the activity was better labelled and descriptive in what needs to be done and what steps to take. I feel like these models are only an effective way to communicate to non-scientific audience in only some cases. This technique only works for visual learners because for some people it needs to be written out in words and for it to be clearly stated. While visual diagrams sometimes can be hard for them since they have to put clues together and try to understand and think about the subject. Which would take a lot of more time and is very much harder for them. While for those who are visual learners it can be very helpful and let them learn and understand a lot. However it really does matter what type of learner they are and what is the best for them.



citations: class notebook



Spanish core competencies

For the que es project where we had to make a PowerPoint and represent information creatively. This project helped me connect with others and their art forms and ways of expressing themselves also with their traditions. This project made me represent their traditions in a creative way in my PowerPoint with colours and pictures and information on the topic of flamenco dancing. My PowerPoint made me reflect on how there are so many traditions and cultures we don’t fully understand yet and this made me understand their culture a little better. The way I communicated also helped others get a sense of their culture also.

English core competency

for my core competencies, I want to write about my all about me project in English. I had to write about a memory I had so I wrote about my last time competing for dance. I thought this suited the communication aspect of it because I had to present it in front of the entire class which i did not enjoy. this helped me grow because I did much better than I thought or expected which was good and helped me grow into thinking that it isn’t so bad. I can further develop my communication competency by learning how not to get so scared anytime I want to present or speak in front of people and get over my stage fright in a way but other wise I like this project and it was interesting to get to know people this way. this is also relevant to growth in personal competencies because I had to learn how to speak in front of people and let them get to know me. even though I didn’t like it at all it was bearable and it really did let me get to know people in my class. this would also help with the social part and let me connect with others in my class that I might not talk to all the time and let me get to know who they are without actually having a conversation. I can further develop my social competencies, by being bolder when I present and not be so nervous socially.

solution fluency

Define: for are project the challenge was putting are periodic table in a different shape than its original because all the elements must fit, and all the sections must still be there.
Discover: the questions we needed to ask was what the best shape for us is to put the periodic table in and what was the easiest to use also which would be able to fit it all. The answers= we got was a hexagon because it has the right amount of sides that we need to fit all of it.
Deliver is on the bottom page.
Debrief: I feel like we did a good job through the process of this, but it could have been better maybe a little more communication


Digital footprint

My digital footprint might effect my future opportunities if I ever not think and post something unacceptable and the person considering hiring me sees it and they might not want to hire me anymore because they see that I am careless person. Also for example if a university sees that I was not thinking good or clear and posted something inappropriate they might think twice about accepting me into there school because I  might effect other students or something  even worse things.

Ballpoint Pen on Top of White Printer Paper Beside 100 U.s. Dollar Bill

Three  stratiges I can use to keep my digital foot print safe and appropriate is by thinking about who can see what I posted and the outcome of it. Also by thinking sbout if it is neccisary for it to be posted for the whole world to see and witness. also thinking about why I would  need to post this or comment this and who this would effect.


The information that I learned and I would like to pass on to other students are that this is actually  important and that it is not just another assignment this is about your future and the outcome in life that should really be talked and thought about. How I would tell the other students would be by using examples of real life situations and by scenarios and have it presented in a power point also by having someone the same age or a year older present it to them so they see it as a friend telling them why its important then an adult and showing them the importance of this subject.

Photo of a Laptop on Top of Table

This is how I will keep my digital footprint safe and appropriate.

Security Logo


all images from pexels