Archive of ‘Grade 11’ category

Flame Test Lab

Flame test lab- core competencies

I mainly used the communication competency because I had to communicate with my lab partners, while doing the actual lab because we had to use fire and take pictures of the fire so we had to make sure we were using the right chemicals and we had to talk about the color’s that we saw on the flame and if the color changed when we put the ultraviolet glasses. Also we had to talk about if we got all the right photos and videos to make sure that they are accurate. We had to form and develop ideas off of each other while answering the questions for the lab while working together. We all had different idea and had a different perspective on how we saw the flam and how we interpreted the rest of the questions but at the end we all had to come together to make a decision and discuss with our other classmates if our answer’s were accurate. So in this lab there was a lot of talking and discussions with many ideas

potassium nitrate #3

strotium nitrate #4

zinc nitrate #5

calcium nitrate #6

copper (ll) nitrate #2

lithium nitrate #1

Mind Map – “A Private Experience”

To show my understanding of a “private experience” by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie with a mind map, her story represents that sometimes we might have different beliefs but in times of need and time of misery we are all human and must look out for each other. I represented symbolism with her scarf it showed that the Igbo Christian women and the Hausa Muslim helped each other even though their people were causing the riots and fighting “hating each other” they came together to survive and get through the riot. I looked at this story through a biographical lens because Chimamanda based her stories on things that happened to her or family or friends and she liked the concept of breaking stereotypes and didn’t believe them. “The single story creates stereotypes, and the problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete. They make one story become the only story.” This quote shows how she doesn’t believe in stereotyping and in this story she tried to break it. While being raised in Nigeria where her story is based on. I chose to represent my plot with hands all interlocking and looks like they are working together to make each other strong which in the story was also shown with the Muslim women and Chika even though they are all very different when they come together to work they are stronger than before. Then for my setting, I chose to put a flag that is incorporated with the shape of Nigeria since that is where Chimamanda lived and where she would base most of her stories, and this story is, in particular, was a big part of her identity was Nigeria. For the theme, I put an image of a scale because the theme of this story was based on people weighing each other out even if they are so different and others are fighting, they manage to put that behind them and learn how to work and balance each other out. For characterization, I put a group of women holding each other because the Muslim women and Chika had to help each other when injured . The point of view was written in a third-person omniscient because the author was mainly in Chika’s head and a little bit in the Muslim women’s head, I put an image of eyes because the way the author looked at this story put us in a different perspective because you wouldn’t think you would see Christian women and Muslim women trying to work together ever which also adds to the irony used in the story as a literary device, but the author made it in a two-sided way where we truly got to understand them phytologically. Literary devices were used in this story mainly irony and that was almost the whole point of the story I put an image of a magnet because these two women managed to attract each other to safety when they are mainly opposites. Criticism in this story I represented in with an image of the world because when you look and her and where she grew up it makes sense that she hates stereotypes because when she grew up there were so many and was surrounded by them also by general ideas against people by simply assuming things.


Marked by: Serenity Pope


My field journal digital showcase

core competency:

I chose to write about how in this project I had to use my critical thinking, I had to analyze and critique my work and the information I read to understand my organisms and how to display it appropriately on my digital map. I also had to see which information I should and shouldn’t put and that made me critique it and question where they live what they do and more. I had to investigate how to use the program itself and what information had to be out on it, it took me a little bit of time to figure out how to put tags on the background but I found out, and then it was a lot easier doing the project once understanding. I had to develop a filter on what I should put on the project over what was a little extra and also what matched my project all together that went well with the image I was trying to

What Darwin never knew

The discovery of DNA proved that Darwin’s theory of evolution was correct because he saw that when the finches or pocket mice changed color or the beak size and shape changed, he assumed that it was evolution because of which Galapagos island they lived on because why else would they change they were only changing so that they could survive better in each of there environments. Which was true but once they got to look at the DNA, they could see that while these changes happened their DNA was changing with them. So, when they discovered DNA it helped prove evolution was real and not just a theory or prediction. Seeing that while their appearances developed and changed on the outside while they were reproducing the same was happening to inside their DNA was slowly changing and evolving into different types of finches or pocket mice and others on the island. It also proves that natural selection is a real thing because while the finches and pocket mice were developing it was either from them getting bigger or the color of there fur changing because of natural selection and they were changing to there environments so they could survive, for example when the mice changed color to match their surroundings and to increase there ability to survive in there environment.

Darwin's finches

The discovery of DNA changes the way we look at evolution today because back then they didn’t have all the tools and knowledge we do now and now we can look at fossils and see how things really do develop like and as embryos as they get older and develop. They have also learned that we have different parts of animals in us like for example how our inner ear bone has developed from fish and dinosaurs. Also, how we have the same number of genes as a chicken and a head of corn. While discovering DNA we have learned that ninety eight percent of our genes doesn’t code for protein but maybe when they haven’t discovered what DNA really was and how to see and determine it, they would of thought that ninety eight percent of genes were proteins instead of the other way around and now they know these things and we have evolved from the discovery of DNA alone.

DNA has changed the way we view and study evolution in the future like how we have discovered mutation and the manipulation of genes while someone is till young enough for the changes to be permanent. We also have learned about how “switches” work and how your genes can switches on and off through sequences of the DNA that throw those switches. This shows how small differences in DNA can make such enormous changes to anything. For example, how there is the company called Crispr Therapeutics that have developed genetic medicine and they can genetically alter DNA as a way of cancer therapy and help treat other genetic diseases by editing your cells as a type of medical treatment.


