September 2019 archive

Digital footprint

My digital footprint might effect my future opportunities if I ever not think and post something unacceptable and the person considering hiring me sees it and they might not want to hire me anymore because they see that I am careless person. Also for example if a university sees that I was not thinking good or clear and posted something inappropriate they might think twice about accepting me into there school because I  might effect other students or something  even worse things.

Ballpoint Pen on Top of White Printer Paper Beside 100 U.s. Dollar Bill

Three  stratiges I can use to keep my digital foot print safe and appropriate is by thinking about who can see what I posted and the outcome of it. Also by thinking sbout if it is neccisary for it to be posted for the whole world to see and witness. also thinking about why I would  need to post this or comment this and who this would effect.


The information that I learned and I would like to pass on to other students are that this is actually  important and that it is not just another assignment this is about your future and the outcome in life that should really be talked and thought about. How I would tell the other students would be by using examples of real life situations and by scenarios and have it presented in a power point also by having someone the same age or a year older present it to them so they see it as a friend telling them why its important then an adult and showing them the importance of this subject.

Photo of a Laptop on Top of Table

This is how I will keep my digital footprint safe and appropriate.

Security Logo


all images from pexels


Rapid Nation

This year I am enthusiastic to meet new people. work harder then I ever worked before and have fun while staying on task. I can’t wait to read new books that I never have before. I also can’t wait to tryout for the girls  volleyball team.

My favourite book that I read over the summer that I enjoyed very much.