Week 7 – Math 10

We finished the lesson this week. In chapter 3, We learned how to distinguish degrees from polynomials, how to distinguish powers, and leading coefficient, constant term. And then we learned how to draw, how to write formula on a graph. -4x(2×3-7x+8)= -4x x 2×3, -7x x -4x, -4x x 8. The answer is -8×2+28×2-32x. And then we learned use an area diagram to determine the following products. 23×21, we need to draw a four rectangles. write 23 and 21 one by one. 20×20=400, 20×1=20, 3×20=60, 3×1=3. Finally, we need to add them. There’s another type of question: (a+7)(3a-5), a(3a-5), 7(3a-5). The last one we learned is: 7xy2+49, You have to find the greatest common factor, is 7, so the answer is 7(xy2+7).

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