Podcast Individual

Explanation: Our podcast covers is about Residential School Survivor .First we will talk about some information and history of Residential school.We also found out some data that who survived and how many people died during their time in residential school mostly is because of disease, being malnourished, and from fies. So we did researched on Lorna Rope, Lorna is Carry the Kettle First Nations. She is one of the survivor who used to study in St Paul Residents School and she study there for 9 years. We will discuss about her experience and how the school treated her, what she have gone through at school also including the how residential school has influence on her really serious mental and physical abuse that affect her trauma.Also We will talk about most the event of her life and what had modified when left residential school how she get rid all her past and achieve her dreams.

Outline: https://sd43bcca-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/personal/132-wzhou_sd43_bc_ca/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7B4a4fc5cc-6d67-4e0a-825f-fbed1e43eb01%7D&action=edit&wdPreviousSession=106d6338-b366-4d7b-95f7-edf1385174f8

Work cited:

Residential School Survivor Stories from http://wherearethechildren.ca/en/stories/#story_5 

THE STORY OF LORNA ROPE 5 October 2017, from https://prezi.com/mtrc94kuap2y/the-story-of-lorna-rope/  

“Residential School.” Arcgis.com, from www.arcgis.com/apps/Cascade/index.html?appid=0bceb369069f432fabf625cba8e7d600 


Avoiding Stereotypes in Advertising

   Media can promote the mainstreaming of gender awareness in the field of media and educate the whole society on gender awareness. Strengthen the news dissemination, laws and regulations. And strengthen management.  We will improve laws and regulations on press and communication and strengthen oversight. For racism, as a society, we need to educate our family, friends, colleagues and acquaintances. Let them know what is “good” and what is “bad”. Start education at an early age. Start from oneself, also suggest to publicize more in the public place and we need to be on high alert. We can watchdog stereotypes in adverts, it can also set a day that iabout discrimination to reduce stereotypes about this. We can also make some posters about racism. Post them on a relative area. Let more people know. And stop sexism and racism on the Internet. We can also post some positive messages on the Internet, such as don’t be racist and reject sexism and advocate equality for all. For sexism, Some countries are very unfriendly to women, like Africa. Jessica Chastain who has long been outspoken about her problems with the sexism of Hollywood. She sounded off after the jury handed out their honors. We have to speak out in the face of sexism. 

Advertising Target Markets

The company is Duracell. The product of this advertisement is battery. The target audience is parents and their kids. Especially for parents who can’t spend time with their children because of their jobs. Children will miss their parents who are working outside the home. With the target audience, this battery can solve this problem well. He records his voice and sends it to his daughter telling her how much he loves her and misses her.

Black Mirror – “Memory Transaction”





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Pitch: https://sd43bcca-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/personal/132-wzhou_sd43_bc_ca/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7Bbb3d4237-1140-4528-8aa2-e101a8cf2e88%7D&action=edit&wdPreviousSession=abcbe39c-119d-4af0-bd30-24807a945e8d

Black Mirror Episode Creation
Mr. Barazzuol – English 10 New Media 

INSTRUCTIONS: When pitching a television show or film to a production company, a “pitch sheet” is often used to convey the main ideas of the project. Fill in the following questions, that are commonly found on pitch sheets, regarding your episode, and be prepared to present them for approval. 

1) Title (this can be a working title and can change later):
 Memory transaction 

2) Line: (brief summary of your idea, no more than 3 sentences):
– There has special memory transaction in book store. People can buy other memories for them to experience as their own.  


3) Synopsis (describe, details your idea in 1 paragraph):
–  Jessica is unhappy with her life. She doesn’t like her job because her boss gives her a lot of work. One day after work she went to a book store and the clerk recommends her to try the memory transaction. He explains to Jessica that people can buy other’s memories for them to experience as their own. He also talked about how much they cost and how the prices vary with different memories. Jessica became addicted. A clerk recommended a rare edition memory, but it is really pricey and she found out that she didn’t have enough money. Suddenly there is an unknown guy who walked by and asked Jessica if she wanted to sell her memories to exchange for money. She agreed. She sold more and more of her memories and eventually lost her memory of her parents and family. 

4) Theme of Episode:
–  escape

5) Type of Media:
– Screenplay 

6) Genre (list two):
– Science fiction
–  Dystopia 

7) Target Audience (2-3 sentences):
I would recommend this movie for teenagers or adults because this isn’t the best movie to show little kids. This movie is really deep and teaches us not to escape the world because of depression. If we want to solve our problem we have to face it not just hide it.

8) Characters (actors needed):

– Boss

– Unknown guy

9) Filming Locations (provide details):
– School Library 
– Coquitlam center parking
– School office 

10) Technological Resources or Equipment Needed (cameras or editing software):
– Mobile phone camera
– Imovie
– Inshot

11) Costumes and Props Needed:
– CD
– cash
– glasses

12) Health and Safety Concerns (must list three):
– Don’t imitate
 Children under 12 years old need a parent to accompany them
 Just science fiction

13) Tasks (Group Member Names and Responsibilities):
Group Member #1: Kaitlyn
Responsibilities: Screenplay
Contact Info: 132-kchoy@sd43.bc.ca

Group Member #2: Wendy 
Responsibilities: Video
Contact Info: 132-wzhou@sd43.bc.ca 


Group Member #3:
Contact Info:

List of Tasks for Question 13:
– Properly typed out and edited pitch sheet
– Completion of storyboard
– Costumes
– Props
– Camera or Device to Film1
– Editing Software 
– Uploading video and providing members with “Embed Code” 

THE PITCH – Feedback 
Black Mirror Episode Creation 
Mr. Barazzuol – English 10 New Media 
Group Member Names:_Kaitlyn, Wendy. ________________________________________________________ 
Working Title: Memory Transaction _________________________________________________________ 
Teacher (Pitch to):_Mr. Barazzuol________________________________________________________ 


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Short Story – “Harrison Bergeron”


 I did 《Harrison Bergeron》. From this short story, it’s a narrative story. I used descriptive as I continued to write this story. I learned how to make the <<Harrison Bergeron>>’s lead is equality. Even the most equal one, it’s able to prosper. In the story we can see that in the future people will do anything to keep people equal. The original writing style was simply descriptive and descriptive. In the study, I learned expository, descriptive, persuasive, and narrative. Each of these writing styles is used for a specific purpose. A single text may include more than one writing style. 《Harrison Bergeron》 was originally narrative, and I’ve added a lot physically and psychologically. This changed the writing technique. I learned from this change how to use these two writing techniques, how to describe more vividly, and I also learned slug and parentheticals.  


VPD purchases three drones for investigations 

                                   VPD purchases three drones for investigations 




   Vancouver police have bought their first drone equipped with a camera to analyse crime and cyber incidents, as well as search and rescue, despite concerns about their use to spy on citizens.  




  The VPD prepared a 13 – page “privacy impact assessment” with input fro, B.C.’s privacy commissioner and the B.C Civil Liberties Association to ensure the operation of the drones doesn’t invade citizen’s privacy, said Vancouver police Supt.  


The drones for the better to found the dangerous people, drones will primaril be used in crashes where they provide “unique points of view” for investigation and reconstruction, he said.  

Timeline – Communication

 Paragraph1:  It is the fact that communication has undergone many developments throughout the history. As people’s requirements for communication continue to increase, telecommunication is to voice, text, data, image and high definition television and other integrated multimedia communication development. Before 2000, people invented the phone to make a phone call, Email, touch screen, and text message. Undoubtedly, the greatest contribution into the development of communications technologies was the discovery of the Internet in 1983. Without it, modern telecommunications would have been impossible. It decreased the costs and increased the speed of the information transfer, which enabled bringing communication to the new quality level- the most widely consumed services all over the globe. Through the timeline, we can see that Email was invented in 1985, followed by the text message in 1992. In these years, the text message could be invented. There are two important reasons. First, although in 1990, the economy posted an average growth rate in GDP of about 3% in Japan. Second, Email and text messages have the same meaning. Both of them are sending messages and can naturally evolve well with each other. They’re all used to send messages, send pictures. The only difference is that Email can send files, but text messages can’t. The tools on mobile phones offer a lot of help to people. 

Paragraph2: It is obvious that technology and telecommunications move back-to-beck and the latest breakthrough which was the Internet and mobile shopping have resulted in bringing global telecommunications to a new level. After 2000, a lot of software and high technology also became popular on mobile phones. The old fashioned printed media fall behind the innovative web-based and mobile apps like Amazon, Spotify and Instagram. People created mobile shopping in 2003 and face recognition in next two years. “The Japanese economy grew at 2.5 percent in 2003,” (Takatoshi ITO, which helped Japan create face recognition. Online shopping and face recognition can evolve well with each other. When people are shopping online, they will have to pay by the password. At this time, people use face recognition technology instead of password. “6.1 percent in the first quarter of 2004 (annualized quarter-to-quarter growth).” We can see that Japan’s economy grew significantly in 2004. It shows that face recognition improves the economy. Finally, online shopping and face recognition can evolve well together. There are more and more tools on mobile phones, which help us a lot.  

Media Research Project

     Media Research Project 

     Wechat is a chat app with different features. The creator of WeChat was Xiaolong Zhang  from Tencent and he established it on January 21, 2011 in Guangzhou, China. By then, it’s accompanying social network with 780 million active users. “The debut of this mobile-only messenger app was a big break from Tencent’s very PC-era social networks and online gaming empire.” (Steven Millward, 2018) Wechat is a free application in instant messaging service for smart terminal users to provide people with better communication. The intended age group is recommend to be 16 years and olderPeople can not only  causally chat with each other but also do business via WeChat now, thus the wechat businessman becomes popular in China, which can explain how WeChat makes money. When people do Wechat business, they will pay a handling fee as well as commissions  to WeChat. Here comes the most fascinating feature about doing WeChat business, which is the way of payment, allowing  the users to go out without cash or cards and pay through a mobile phone. “Xiaolong, now has legendary status throughout the Chinese tech scene due to the success of WeChat. He currently heads the ‘WeiXin Group’, probably the most strategically important business unit of the internet giant Tencent.” (Matthew Brennan, 2015). WeChat has been used internationally, it not only has been used in China. “In fact, wechat is not only welcomed in China, but the number of overseas WeChat users counts at around 70 million, which means  if you’re targeting Chinese consumers as part of your marketing strategy, you have to definitely begin using wechat.” (Alex Wan, 2017) WeChat is not only a communication app, but it is an app that enriches the lives of many. WeChat is not only a communication app, but it is an app that enriches the lives of many.  


                                                                              Work Sited:  




Photo courtesy of  https://www.techinasia.com/wechat-launches-new-search-feature

Photo courtesy of 9TO5MAC.com 

Apple iPhone China WeChat

Photo courtesy of https://citizenlab.ca/2016/11/wechat-china-censorship-one-app-two-systems/ 


New Media explained 2

New Media is a form of communication. It’s a form  in which information and services are provided to users through computer network, wireless communication network, satellite and other channels, as well as terminals such as computers, mobile phones and digital television by means of digital technology. It includes: Web sites, blogs, Apps, Email, wikis, smart pones, social nerworks, steaming video, streaming music… New media includes many things:Entertainment, study, shopping and so on. Different people will choose different aspects. Someone will buy the study materials they need, such as books or magazines. Others will buy the video games they like to relieve their study or working stress, which can be called media consumption fragments. A great many people have used the new media for a long time till now. There are a few skills to consume media in a healthier way. Firstly, you can set the time on the phone to limit the time you will spend on new media, five hours a day. Secondly, you can Set the WiFi time, which means when the time is due, the WIFI will be cut off automatically . “All sorts of research seems to say yes, and many have pointed out the dangers to the youth from too much screen time , too much access to porn, and too much TV . We might want to just chill once in a while: reading a book. going for a leisurely stroll around a museum or taking part in a bit of quiet, thoughtful one-on-one conversation” (John Donovan 2018). Lastly, new Media can help us with many things only when you use it wisely.