ESA-11 Core Competency

While I’m glad I’ve stuck with a group who were not only helpful, hardworking and creative, I feel as though my best work was when I worked alone for the bakery project. I’d argue that this project demonstrates my competencies the best. Communication was key, as I worked on my bakery by myself and had to figure out how to make an entire bakery in less than a month. I asked help from my teacher and classmates, such as how the cricut machine worked. I had never used it before, but having done this project, I can say for certain I’m quite comfortable with any vinyl printing I might want to do in the future.

I also feel my creative and critical thinking competencies were demonstrated with this project, and show how far my ideas can go, along with how much farther I can be challenged, not that this wasn’t. Even though it wasn’t required, I would often get lost in the logistics of the decisions I’d make for my bakery, in addition to how different and unique I can display my ideas.

Mask Process Journal Week 8

Monday November 1st, 2021

Last week, I started the process of completely restarting my papier mâché mask. I’ve rummaged through the garbage to find the first prototype, because as Mx. Vittie pointed out, I could prove useful in my second attempt. I’ve got my new balloon, which I’ve blown to half the size, and am ready to start as soon as out artist movement presentations are concluded.

Yet again, last week had next to no progress on any physical assignments, my goal for last week was to start my next mask, which I suppose was somewhat successful, yet I think me from the past had more in mind than what I have now.

My goal for this week is to focus on the more digital assignments, such as the artist movement presentations or blog posts, and then I could bring my balloon home during the weekend, where I have more time and freedom and room for error, working for 80 minutes five times a week isn’t mixing well with my work style and just generally not wanting to get my hands dirty.

My term-long inquiry project is still yet to pass the planning stage, so this week I’ll try to get an armature started, no mess required for aluminum foil and wire!

Convo10 Émission de télévision

Convo10 Bloc D Mangeurs du Monde Émission #1 (Joseph Max Jayden)