Eng12 – Synthesis Essay Reflections and Core Competencies.

I am proud of the analytical work I did concerning my sources, I’ve never dissected films or books in that way with as much depth as I have below. The writing also perfectly reflects how I like to present information and shows the extent of my knowledge, even though it does include some less formal elements here and there, not to mention the occasional ‘we’ I slipped up. I’m also proud of my thesis, and how I prod at the themes of the sources, and make my reader think about the concepts I explore before reaching the first body paragraph.

Next time I write an academic paper, I will make sure I have access to each of my sources! We were pardoned for Frankenstein, but I also didn’t have access to Rosemary’s Baby after we started writing our essays. It would’ve felt weird, and out of place then to have three quotes for only Get Out and the Yellow Wallpaper. Each quote I did use at least helped clarify the text and showed an example of how the characters were feeling, in a way that can’t be described in a formal manner. And to shoehorn in anything other quote would’ve felt forced and last minute, as it would’ve been. So, despite the criteria, I elected to stay in professional fashion, and not break the formula.

Critical Thinking : I often think to much on how to present information in school, I often forget about the information itself. The moment my teacher would be telling us about the project, a thousand ideas flood my head, which I’ve argued in past core competencies demonstrates my strengths in creative thinking. An essay like this proves I’m just as capable with my critical thinking as I am creatively. As I mentioned in my reflection, some thoughts were much more emphasized on my creative, but not in any way that would diminish the quality of my knowledge. I remembered I can be just as capable with my critical thinking when I don’t think too much about how much fun I should be having per say, not that this essay wasn’t enjoyable, but it proves I can still be challenged in more fields with every assignment.

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