Victorian Era vs. Today




Writing prompt #1: Very materialistic and spent money on clothes, accessories, fine furnishings

My group and I categorized it under continuity because it hasn’t changed at all, it’s still the same as today, we still use money to spend on clothes and accessories and also furnish homes to improve our quality of life. It’s the same as Victorian Era as well. For clothes Majority of people care about materialistics like nice and expensive things so that they can show off how rich or how much nice things they have or just to make them feel better about themselves and rich, people did that back then and still do to this day. For people back then in the Victorian Era they spent money on materialistics to show what kind of social staus and life style they have and people do it on this current day. In conclusion we can see that spending money on materialistic, clothes, accessories and fine furnish has continued and it’s very reasonable that it’s put in the continuity column.

Writing prompt #2: clothing was very formal: women wore long dresses and aprons; men wore hats suits, ties

For change I decided to choose clothing. The slip of paper said that in the Victorian Era clothing was very formal and women wore long dresses while men wore hats, suits, and ties. Most people now wear formal clothing depending on the occasion, event, or job they have but at school or at home, people wear more informal/casual clothing. We can immediatly say clothing style/trend has changed a lot comparing back then to now.  Popular clothing for both men and women include things like jeans, leggings, t-shirts, jackets, sweaters, hoodies etc. Specifically for women, some dresses and skirts are worn but are alot shorter and less informal compared to the Victorian Era. For men, some suits and ties are worn but not everyday only if needed. Dressier/formal outfits would be dependent on the what event, occasion or work you have, but usually not everyone wears formal clothing everyday on a normal day basis.


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