TOKTW 2019

Name of Host: Riza Cabatbat

Relationship to me: Mother

The Interview:

  1. What is your job Title? Health care assistance
  2. What is your job description? assisting residence ADL’s (Activity daily living)
  3. What are the duties/tasks you perform at your job? Providing care and safety of the residents privacy.
  4. What qualifications do you have for this job in the following areas:                                                               a) Training? How to use a proper transfer of the residents. Different types of lifts (sit/stand lift, full lift, ceiling lift)
    b) Education? training every month, in service depends on the facility policy 
    c) Experience? worked in a complex care for more then 10 years from now 
    d) Skills and Attributes? Hard working, patient, teamwork and loving your job
  5. What are some things you like about the job? If residence /family of the residence are praisng you for what you did and working with friendly employees
  6. What are some of the things that you dislike about this job? It’s heavy, a very busy job and very stressful
  7. How do you anticipate this job changing in the next 5 years or so? Better benefit and lighter responsibility
  8. Other question (s) : How would this job benefit/ help to become a registered nurse? It’s a baseline of becoming a nurse in the future, the first steps to becoming registered nurse because for college students wanting to be a doctor.  What do you find is the hardest part about being in your job? Assisting residence in the morning care because only 1 HCA assisting 8 residence by yourself.

Student Reflections:

  1. Give three reasons why you would like this job                                                                                                  a) Working area is a peaceful and friendly environment.
    b) This job is a big help for when I want to know what a nurse would kind of be like because my moms job is very similiar to being a nurse, helping, caring, and the reponsibilties/ rules
    c) you get paid a decent amount of money 
  2. Give three reasons why you would not like this job                                                                                                a) Heavy job which will for sure make my back and shoulder worse
    b) Very busy and stressful job, you always have to be quick , in a hurry and always running around
    c) repetitive movement, might end up hurting/ injure yourself 
  3. Is this job for you? why or why not?                                                                                                                        This job is not really for me I don’t like heavy jobs because if I can end up hurting myself it will effect my sports since I won’t be playing for a while and I enjoy being active.
  4. Explain the value of the TOKTW experience in relation to your ideas about your post secondary ( after high school) plans (education?, training?, travel?, work?).                                                                         This day helped me know what a nurse would be like because there are alot similarties of my mom’s job and a nurse would be. I also found out more of what kind of job my mom has and does. It’s not an official plan for my future because I can change it, after high school I was thinking I’m probably going to have a part time job (I don’t kow what job yet). I won’t take a gap year because I know that if I do I will become lazy to go back to school and will probably just stick with job thats not as a good paying job like a nurse or doctor. During Breaks or school I will go training for being a registered nurse and observe facilities, hospital etc. with specific jobs people have like how I observed my moms job for take your kid to work day.

sit/stand lift
full lift
Blood pressure machine
ceiling lift