Desmos Art Functions Card 2022

1) how you figured out what equations to use. (2) Did you have any challenges? (3) Any aha moments? (4) Did you get help? (5) Did you use any strategies? (6) How did this assignment help you understand more about transformations of functions and relations?

In pre-calc 12 we were given a desmos project to create a picture of our choice using different functions that we learned throughout the course.  I had notes that I took with the different functions that we learned in class and figured out how I can use those equations to create my desmos. I had to do trial and error many times and made sure my equation worked with the lines that best suits it. Some challenges I ran into were the lines were hard to make it exact so I had to use an equation multiple times so that it can line up properly or somewhat be accurate to the line. Since I already knew what most of the equations looked like I just had to solve my problem by doing trial and test a few times or used parabola since I mostly used that to creat any curved shapes that were hard to do with other equations. At first I was rewriting the equations but as I got the hang of creating the lines function notation was such a big help because I was able to copy and paste my function and then apply and inverses,reflection, stretches, or translations. I also struggled with shading since I couldn’t figure how to do some of the inequalities so that it can perfectly line up with the other line. As I was designing Minnies skirt I experienced an “aha” moment while experimenting on different functions that I can use, it was so hard to use equations that I didn’t have go do small lines with. I attempted many equations so I can do the skirt and really only three equations worked for me. So I tried using trigonometric equations which actually worked considering the amount of trails and test I did to do the skirt. Using the trigonometric function I was able to complete the skirt and  two more equations so I didn’t have to do much of trial and testing since I just did function notation to make it easier for me. I got a bit of helped from my friends that were also in Pre calc when I was unsure on what equation to use to do my line. my strategies were mostly using the functions I already know first so then I can do a lot and if I wasn’t sure about other lines I would experiment on different equations so that I can follow the rubric. A really big help was using the slider feature and using function notation so that I didn’t have to rewrite every equation again. This assignment helped me understand functions better since it provided me with the chance to modify and shape them by showing how different functions look on a graph. It also helped me understand the importance of domain and range and how to connect different functions together.