What are some things you have learned and/or tasks you have accomplished this year? (Use videos, pictures, upload materials etc. as evidence of learning in your blog)
So this year in Tech Team I really only had 1 big project which was to make a page for a news paper. The parts of it that were successful was that it was very easy and fun to make using photoshop. Some of the challenging parts was centering images and using the text feature in photoshop as it caused me some issues from time to time. To overcome the challenge of the text feature I started copy and pasting the names instead of writing them out as it was easier that way. To improve on the project I think I would make it more appealing by maybe adding a border to it.
As Riverside continues to immerse itself into innovation and technology, what do you think Riverside can do to provide support and help for teachers and students? (Provide specific examples)
I think that training the teachers in the technology and how to fix stuff would be a lot better for students instead of the students missing class to go to the wave. Or have one or two teachers from each department be well enough informed so that they could help out the teachers or students.
Do you have any feedback or suggestions, as we move forward, that could help the Tech Team meet the needs of our school and staff / be more effective? (Provide specific examples)
I think that if the teachers knew which students in there class were apart of the tech team it could be more effective because they could just have them fix any issues before sending someone to the wave or asking for help from another teacher.