
A) I use the plugins Custom CSS, Calendar , and Compflight.

B) The strengths of the Custom CSS allows me to customize my blog more, for example I have turned my font into comic sans. The calendar is nice because it allows you to have a calendar on your blog so if you need to know the day you can just check there. Compflight is very useful because it allows you to insert any images you need without having to go to google images as well as putting the image as small, medium, large, or full size.

Fat Man on Computer Robin Hutton via Compfight

C) Some of the weaknesses of the Custom CSS is that if you do something and forget how to fix it, your blog could be stuck like that until you get help, for example I don’t remember how to change my font back. The calendar doesn’t really have many weaknesses other then that it isn’t very interactive. Compflights only weaknesses is that it has a limited amount of images in it.

D) Out of all of these I would say that Compflight is the most useful for classes as it makes creating a blog post that requires generic images a lot easier. I also think that Custom CSS is helpful as it allows students to customize their blogs more.

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