App Reveiw


Gavin Peterson

ADL16 app review

I reviewed an app made by thix, called chemistry free, in this app you can test experiments using gasses, solids and liquids. It has a wide variety of tools, and chemicals.

a problem could be as simple as you do not know what these chemicals mixed together wouldscreenshot_20161103-111212 make, if it would be dangerous or harmful, with this app you could test. Like, mixing x and x together the boiling it on a hot plate to x tempter. If you HAD to mix the chemicals you could make the tempter change form hot to cold or change beakers and flasks. Like mixing water and HNO3.

When I use this app I can use solids, mixtures, liquids, and gases. Now I only have the free version. And the paid version comes with screenshot_20161103-111240more but you get to use all the tools and see what is given to you can do. I have put together, almost all the martials and seen the different experiments. This is what the app looks like.



you can test out different


-has a wide variety of tools

-easy to use, I jumped right in to it.



       Has a couple of bugs

          You have to play 10 dollars to get the full version

         Hard to control on phones, (much smoother on a tablet or computer)

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