Solving Quadratics by Factoring week 6

This week I learned how to solve quadratic equations using the quadratic formula. The first step will have to be make sure your equation is equal to zero. In the example I have provided it is also equal to zero so all I need to do is substitute the values. Make sure to simplify the equation to get an answer. Some quadratic equations can have 2 solutions. In this case there are 2 solutions and some can have one solution. That is what I learned in math last week.

What Darwin never knew

 How did the discovery of DNA prove that Darwin’s theory of evolution was correct and how does it change the way we view evolution today and into the future?

Darwin didn’t have any evidence to prove his theory of evolution. His theory explained that all animals come from the same prehistoric animals, which were fish. Over the time, all animals adapted and mutated to create new species that can survive in the new environments that they are introduced to.  Humans have evolved from  fish, to apes and then to humans. This happened so that we could adapt to our environments. This  was part of his theory as well, where he suggested that humans and chimps are relatives, which means that they are both descendants of the same ancestor. That ancestor would be a fish that once existed in the oceans.  At the time, he had no hundred percent evidence since science wasn’t as advanced as it is now, but now  we have the ability to analyse DNA, we know that Darwin’s theory  was correct. Scientists were able to study ape DNA and compare it to human DNA. They found very close similarities in our genes, proving Darwin’s theory that humans and chimps are related. We also found  that that humans and apes share 99% of the same genes. Darwin theorized that all animals on the Earth are descendants from fish. This couldn’t have been proven until modern day scientists found Tiktaalik, a prehistoric animal that had a transitional form with a fish body and the same bone structure found in all four-legged animals. This animal proved that his theory was  correct because we can see from Tiktaalik how these species moved from the ocean onto land.

The Tiktaalik.

Multiplying and dividing radicals

This week I learned how to multiply and divide radicals using simple steps. When you divide radicals if the denominator has a square root then you have to rationalize the denominator which means that I multiply the bottom with the top and then I use the distributive property or foil to get like terms and then I collect them and get my answer. For some other dividing problems you have to use a conjugate which means that I multiply the radical at the bottom by the same one except I need to have different signs, if the expression is positive then you have to multiply it by the same numbers but instead of the plus it has to be a minus. Because then it will create one zero pair and you get the expression that you need to have at the bottom. After you get that expression you just multiply it by the top and then you get your denominator that has no radical and its simplified. In my example I used the conjugate one so their is a visual to show how you solve those expressions. And if the bottom square root can be simplified to a simpler radical then you should change it so then you can work with easy radicals. I worked smarter than harder and that ugly radical becomes an easy one.


What I learned this week is how to write an entire radical from a mixed radical. The first thing you do is look at the square root number or cube root. Than the number that is in front you multiply it by your perfect square and after it is done you have to multiply the number that is inside of the square root by your first number squared. I found it easier to calculate it when its in a fraction cause you just square the number on the top and what is done at the top must be done as well at the bottom. Then you multiply that fraction by the one in the square root. That is how you write an entire radical from a mixed radical. Here is the example that I did from the workbook and since you can’t have negatives inside a square root you leave it on the outside, and that is what I shown in my answer. Also don’t forget to simplify the fraction if it is possible.


Geometric Sequences


In class last week we learned how to calculate geometric sequences using a specific formula and you know that it is a geometric sequence if it has a common ratio and since the equation gave me my common ratio it made it easier to calculate. But some equations the r is unknown and to solve it you have to isolate the variable and then use the ratio number you get and substitute into your formula.

In this geometric sequence I had to determine the S5 by using the tn formula and get the answer. After using the formula I substituted the variables with the numbers in the geometric sequence and then I used my scientific calculator and plugged in the numbers that are in the brackets and then when I got my answer of -968 I had to divide it by a positive 2 since 3-1= +2. Then since I divided a negative with a positive my answer had to become negative due to the exponent rule. It was challenging and confusing at first but then when I worked through more problems I understood how to properly use the formula and what to plug into my calculator to get the right answer. Which now made it easy for me to calculate. The skill checks also very helped me understand how to show my work the right way instead of just messing up in the calculator and getting the wrong answer. Showing my work really helped me because if I messed up on a step then I can no problem go back and check and find out what I did wrong instead of guessing how to get that number.

Ms Burton I am sorry but my blog post didn’t properly post on Friday because shaw turned off my wifi and I had no idea until today in the morning when I decided to check.

Taxonomy and classification of animals

Sugar gliders or their scientific name which is Petaurus breviceps. They are an omnivorous species of possum that can glide through the air. They are also marsupials which means that they carry their babies in a pouch. These species belong in the kingdom mammalia just like us humans. These creatures are found in trees and rarely touch the ground. Their membrane or the flaps on each side act like wings which allows them to glide. They are also called sugar gliders because they love the sweet nectar from fruits. So this creature belongs in the mammalia kingdom.

Image result for sugar gliders in the wild


Tropical pitcher plants the scientific name of this plant is called nepenthes. They are a type of plant that belong in the plantae kingdom. They are called pitcher plants because they are a carnivorous plant that have cupped leaves that are filled with liquid that attracts flies and other insects to drink its nectar. The edge of the pitcher plant is slippery which causes whatever is on it to fall in and the plant eats it. The plant belongs in the plantae kingdom because it is an organism that absorbs water and  other substances through its roots, and gets energy from photosynthesis.

Image result for Nepenthes


Annabel Lee Poem assignment

Annabel Lee Poem Analysis


The poem that was chosen is called Annabel Lee by Edgar Alan Poe and it is about his loved one who he met by a kingdom by a sea. The poem has a lot of repetition and it is a sad poem. The woman Annabel Lee has wisdom and Edgar Alan Poe really loved her. They met each other when they were kids and his love for her grew every year. The poem is also very romantic and it’s his memories about his loved one who passed away. Edgar Alan Poe’s poems are very dark or about his loved ones. But he was saying how he wants to lock her up in a room in the kingdom by the sea to protect her from dangerous situations. Edgar then said that he is upset that death separated them from each other. The poem doesn’t have a consistent rhyme scheme. The poem is tragic and beautiful, it also comes back to the rhyme “kingdom by the sea and “Annabel Lee”. The constant rhyming with these words sounds like a sad love song for his loved one. The way the poem doesn’t have a constant rhyme scheme it makes it more real and not one of those kid songs with a lot of rhymes that are cliché. The beautiful poem leaves me wanting for more and at the end of the poem Poe says that he lies at her tomb stone every night by the sea. That line shows how Poe is in very bad pain and how his heart is aching without her. This poem is seriously a love story and he never gave up on his loved one. Even after they got separated from each other, he also says that Annabel Lee was his angel and guardian from heaven which is so beautiful and sad. Edgar Alan Poe’s poems are just full of emotion which makes them unique and very interesting to read. The poem is a six stanza poem about his loved one. The two of the loved ones were supposed to get married until her death separated them from each other.