November/December Foods Reflection


why did you choose this lab to reflect on?

I chose to reflect this lab because we were going to make a food that I’ve eaten and enjoyed throughout my life, and I have tried varieties of pho, I’ve eaten some in Vietnam, pho in the USA and Canada, and they all tasted great even with the extra MSG. When I was told that we’ll be making pho in school I was semi hyped, because I know school food taste a whole lot different than if it was made by a person who made pho throughout their life, and things will be taken away to fit school food standards.

Did you enjoy this lab?

This lab was extremely fun to make, especially the broth, cutting the chicken and obliterating to small pieces was enjoyable and throwing all of that in a cauldron and then becoming a witch and stirring it like a witch was very very fun. Starting out to make a bowl of noodles from scratch lets me see and experience what its like to make a very popular food. When it came to the making and assembling of the noodles it self, quite fascinating that we used ingredients that we would find in a actual pho restaurant like, basil and beansprouts.

did the lab turn out the way you hoped?

The pho turned out to be okay, I wouldn’t say its the best pho I’ve eaten, to be honest it looked great and the noodles with the other vegetables were fantastic, but the broth is comparable with the starbucks unicon shake. Not the sweet or sour taste but, “I should continue to try it to see if I like it.” The taste of the broth was funky tasting, it wasn’t bad and it wasn’t good, it was just some smoky and salty soup. I drank a couple of bowls and my decision on the soup was still inconclusive, but everything else was rather enjoyable, maybe steaming the beansprouts would be great so it wouldn’t have that crunch.

Did the group work well?

Some of my group was away so we had to incorporate and merge some other groups with mine, and it was with hard working people that I know so I had a good feeling that it was going to turn out well. The lab Seemed impossible to mess up and I was right, we followed everything correctly, no mess UPS or screw UPS, but we were all confused with the taste of the broth.

what would I change about the lab?

 100% I would change the broth, lower the water amount and probably put some star anise in there, no group should have over 4 liters of left over broth by the end of the day. Also, steaming the beansprouts would be the most ideal choice, I was heavily confused why we would just let the soup steam the beansprouts so adding a steaming option would be good.

Cold war timeline


Source: Atavism,, Nov, 15, 2017 / Dr. Wendy James
Fact: Atavism, now, atavism is a strange thing that occurs to people, what it essentialy is that, people will develop characteristics from past generations such as the cave man ages or the middle ages, surprisingly only 4% of the persons DNA will trigger the atavistic personality.

Source : Allegory,, Oct, 3, 2017
Fact: Now what allegory means is that has a double meaning behind it and it represents something big but only with a small portion of it

Source: Herd mentality,, Nov, 3, 2017 / Dr. Wendy James
Fact: Herd mentality is something that people will commit do to something in a group but won’t make a move if they are alone. As dr wendy james mentioned “a dog may bark at you but it is likely a pack will attack you.” Herd mantality usually occurs when people have something in common

Source: What is Morality?, Dec, 13, 2016
Fact: Morality, now you have probably heard this word in movies or television, what it basically means is to determine between the rights and wrongs in life

A place at the table response

1.) The movie showed people who didn’t have a job and were struggling to keep the family going or they did have a job but the pay wasn’t that good, they resort to what they can so and hope they will have enough money for the weekly grocery shopping. When it comes to grocery shopping the poor couldn’t really afford healthy food, they only have a small budget for things that they can afford, junk food is what they can mostly afford nice it was cheaper than the vegetables and fruits. The consequence is that they go home and stuff themselves with food that put their life in danger.

2.) Single parents or couples with children who are struggling with financial issues. This usually starts out by their own parent, it ends up in a chain if their mom was single, her only child is going to be single or if her kids were a non graduate, the same is going to happen to their future kids. The closest thing that is historical that can be related to the movie is probably the great depression, but that happened 80 years ago, by the time the second world war happened people had cupboards filled with food due to the war economy. Even after the second world war people had enough food to feed their families, but that fixed most of the hunger problems.

3. When I was told that this was a movie about food problems I thought it was about people being bulimic, but I was presented with people dedicating their life to put food in the table. I had no idea food insecurity was even a. Movie was nothing out of the ordinary, there are always going to be poor people no matter how much help people offer.

4.)If I were to make a policy for the poor it would be quite challenging because, everything will have a draw back to it, if I increased their welfare then people would to pay more taxes, if I were to give them free food from super markets, then the government loses money that could be needed for other uses. Not much could be done but hope that there the public will donate enough food for the food bank and the government can open them more often for people who are starving, trying to think logical here my dude.

“Lord of the Flies” – Island Description

(Quotes describing the setting of the island)

1.) Jungle
“Trees, forced by the damp heat, found too little soil for full growth, fell early and decayed: creepers cra- dled them, and new saplings searched a way up.”

2.) Scar
“there were the splintered trunks and then the drag, leaving only a fringe of palm between thescar and the sea.”

3. Mountain
“They were on the lip of a circular hollow in the side of the mountain. This was filled with a blue flower, a rock plant of some sort, and the overflow hung down the vent and spilled lavishly among the canopy of the forest. ”

4.) Island Shape
“It was roughly boat-shaped: humped near this end with behind them the jumbled descent to the shore.”

5.) Reef
“The reef enclosed more than one side of the island, lying perhaps a mile out and parallel to what they now thought of as their beach”

6.) Conch location
“The shore was fledged with palm trees. These stood or leaned or reclined against the light and their green feathers were a hundred feet up in the air.”

7.) Platform/Meeting Area
“Here the beach was interrupted abruptly by the square motif of the landscape; a great platform of pink granite thrust up uncompromisingly through forest and terrace and sand and lagoon to make a raised jetty four feet high. The top of this was covered with a thin layer of soil and coarse grass and shaded with young palm trees”

8.) agriculture
“On either side rocks, cliffs, treetops and a steep slope: forward there, the length of the boat, a tamer descent, tree-clad, with hints of pink: and then the jungly flat of the island, dense green, but drawn at the end to a pink tail”

9.) Shelter location
“The first thing we ought to have made was shelters down there by the beach.”

10.) Fruit Trees
“He walked with an accustomed tread through the acres of fruit trees, where the least energetic could find an easy if unsatisfying meal”

October foods 12 reflection Cheese

DIY Cheese

Why did you choose to reflect on this lab?

It was the most interesting, when I think of the creation of cheese I think of 10 year aging then going through the process of fermentation, but we just made it within one hour with tons of milk. I’m not a big fan of cheese but I’m a big fan of melted cheese. I was excited for the final product of the cheese so I can go home and slap it in the microwave and eat it as my wishes desire.

Did you enjoy the lab? Why or why not?

Making the cheese was a absolute blast, watching the milk boil and stirring the cauldron of cheese made me feel like a witch, and it was mesmerizing while watching the curds form, it was similar to a swamp popping up mud bubbles but in my situation it was popping up cheese bubbles. And our freedom to flavor the cheese was amazing, the cabinet filled with enough spaces to make the air taste good, but my partner chose dill and it was almost ruined, can’t blame him since I told him I wouldn’t be bothered with his choice of flavoring.

Did your product turn out the way you had hoped?

I didn’t know how the cheese would turn out, I thought it would be like a portion of a cut cheese wedge but we just made a clump of cheese. I wasn’t disappointed since I was going to melt it either way. The process of making it made the cheese look a bit nasty but when the final product came around the corner it was actually quite descent looking. My cheese didn’t look the best or smell the best but it tasted pretty good. I wouldn’t make it again since it took way too much milk

Did you group work well together during the lab?

The group was very cooperative, I think I was the one that kind of let down since I wasn’t scooping the cheese fast enough to the cheese cloth and many other small mistakes, but it didn’t seem to contribute to the final product because it turned out great.

If you were to do this lab again, what might you do differently?

I would speak up about the flavoring, I’m not a big fan of dill, and I should’ve went to the powder cabinet myself and picked put the best possibilities of flavoring. Theres not a lot of things I would do differently, its nearly impossible to make a big mistake on something this simple.


“The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” Narrative

The firing squad took aim before someone from the back told the firing squad to halt. “HOLD YOUR FIRE!!!” A man wearing a high ranking uniform came up and asked Walter, “Papers please.” Walter handed him identification papers… “Thank you for your kind heart mister.” A haggard and distraught man wearing torn clothing, accepted Walters money and left. Walter

“Walter! get back to the car!”

“Alright, alright”

While driving back, Walter sees the same man he gave money to, digging in a trash can…

стоп! стоп! стоп!”

Walter slams on the breaks, “Comrade, you almost crashed the truck and probably would’ve wasted tons of food.”

“M-m-my bad, I was distracted”

“Be careful again, I’ll get Nikolai to unload the shipment, you report to the main office and notify that we arrived”

Walter entered a massive building, posters covered the I interior, posters with red coloring with the soviet hammer and sickle. Statues with groups of people holding the USSR flag, Walter approaches the counter and sees a woman typing rapidly on a type writer. “Привет, comrade Walter, did you come back with the shipment?”

“Yes, Nikolai and Vasili are unloading it right now.”

“Thats good to hear, after they are done, go with Vasili and patrol the streets down from here.”

Moments later, Walter and Vasili are armed with a baton making sure the citizens aren’t doing anything suspicious. Minutes of his patrol the streets bursts into pandemonium, groups of officers hold down people that looked almost like skeletons, one of the people threw a clump of paper at Walter and he beings to reveal a propaganda poster.

“Walter! ready your baton lets get that gopnik, иди сюда!”

The citizen runs up towards Walter and readies his fist, Walter quickly takes his stance, holds his baton with both hands is swings his arms as hard as he can.