“Lord of the Flies” – Island Description

(Quotes describing the setting of the island)

1.) Jungle
“Trees, forced by the damp heat, found too little soil for full growth, fell early and decayed: creepers cra- dled them, and new saplings searched a way up.”

2.) Scar
“there were the splintered trunks and then the drag, leaving only a fringe of palm between thescar and the sea.”

3. Mountain
“They were on the lip of a circular hollow in the side of the mountain. This was filled with a blue flower, a rock plant of some sort, and the overflow hung down the vent and spilled lavishly among the canopy of the forest. ”

4.) Island Shape
“It was roughly boat-shaped: humped near this end with behind them the jumbled descent to the shore.”

5.) Reef
“The reef enclosed more than one side of the island, lying perhaps a mile out and parallel to what they now thought of as their beach”

6.) Conch location
“The shore was fledged with palm trees. These stood or leaned or reclined against the light and their green feathers were a hundred feet up in the air.”

7.) Platform/Meeting Area
“Here the beach was interrupted abruptly by the square motif of the landscape; a great platform of pink granite thrust up uncompromisingly through forest and terrace and sand and lagoon to make a raised jetty four feet high. The top of this was covered with a thin layer of soil and coarse grass and shaded with young palm trees”

8.) agriculture
“On either side rocks, cliffs, treetops and a steep slope: forward there, the length of the boat, a tamer descent, tree-clad, with hints of pink: and then the jungly flat of the island, dense green, but drawn at the end to a pink tail”

9.) Shelter location
“The first thing we ought to have made was shelters down there by the beach.”

10.) Fruit Trees
“He walked with an accustomed tread through the acres of fruit trees, where the least energetic could find an easy if unsatisfying meal”

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