What did you know about the Core Competencies before this activity? Since we have been doing the core competencies for the whole year I had a good understanding of the core competencies. It is something we use everyday without thinking about it. Also, since I have done at least one of these reflections for each […]
Category: Self-Assessment
Banana surgery core competencies reflection
– The first image is when we put the banana back together using tooth picks. – the second is when we first cut the banana into four peaces.
Core Competencies Reflection – P.E
my heath and wellbeing ~ Rachel Smid-1fc0aux
Lit circle final – individual project
This is an embedded Microsoft Office document, powered by Office Online.
Core competencies self reflection
Core Competencies self reflection stop story, The Hitchhiker, By, Roald Dahl – English https://sd43bcca-my.sharepoint.com/personal/132-rsmid_sd43_bc_ca/Documents/Documents/Self-Assessment-CC-District-document-Gee-12hsa0b%20copy.docx?web=1
SH9 – Qui… Quoi … Cournne, self-assesment
This is my self-assesment oon my scocials 9 project about Oliver Cromwell.