Category: Grade 10
Rube Goldberg Machine
Self Assessment
Biotechnology | Epigenetics
Epigenetics Greatest Advancement In my oppinion, one of the greatest advancements in epigenetics is that it can help us Identify genetic deseases, and can lead to treatments. Genetic conditions such as cancer, heart desease, mental illness, addiction, diabeties, etc…, could be treated. Using cancer as an example: cancer is caused when genetic and epigenetic flaws add […]
ESM Scenario
First Aid – CC Reflection
Scientific Method & Paper Airplanes
Does the size of the paper airplane influence the distance it travels? Video Paper Airplane Data Our thing that changed about the planes was the size of the paper, we started with the standard 8 x 11” sheet of paper, then we made another with a 5 x 8” sheet of paper (which we cut), […]
Lit Circles
One Note Reflections