Should Humans be Given the Power to Edit the DNA of an Entire Species?
Ted Talk – video
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This project went well, we were able to get a lot of work done, & I learnt a lot. It looks good & I am happy with the end result. We both have a good understanding of the topic as well. We should have tried to do more. (If we had more time to present it, we probably would have.) we talked to fast , I think we had so much to say we were trying to fit it all in so we should have tried to aimeriez it more so we could slow down and make sure people got the chance to hear what we were saying.
I appreciate you asking the question: should we allow DNA editing and possibly put a species at risk. Good job asking and answering some questions related to the issue. I really like how you cited the sources for your research. Great job debriefing what you did well and what you could improve upon.