Community Connection


DR. Bozek, Neurologist


Brain scans,


For this project I wanted to interview someone who was working in a field related to the human brain. One reason is because it is very complex and can do so much, and I am interested in learning more about it, the other reason is I am planing on pursuing a future in something related to the brain (neuroscience), and this project could help me broaden my understanding of the work people are doing with the human brain.



Burnaby hospital, (Where Dr. Bozek works) by Rachel Smid

(Link to Burnaby hospital’s information through maps) ,


For this project I got in contact with Dr. Bozek, who is a respected  neurologist at Burnaby hospital, and who also won the Burnaby hospital foundation physician of the year award in 2014.


Dr. Bozek, Photo sent to me by Patricia s. (My aunt)

 (not made by me), the video was created when Dr. Bozek won the Bunaby hospital physician of the year award in 2014.

(Special  thanks to my aunt, Patricia S. Heath Services manager, Burnaby Emergency and Cast Clinic for helping me get in contact with Dr. Bozek.)

*Neurology: neurology is a field of medicine, that specifies in the brain and nervous system.*



1. Why are you passionate about your job? 

Dr. Bozek wrote that his passion came from learning new things about the brain continuously, he said that he is always amazed by as new discoveries and he enjoys using the new discoveries to help his patients.

2. What are some obstacles you have faced to reach the point you are at in your work?

As many people who have gone into medical have experienced, Dr. Bozek had to face the challenge of getting into medical school, and passing all the medical school exams. Nevertheless, he said it was all worth it, because you get to start to have some fun starting a practice, and seeing patients on your own with a team of other doctors.

3. What advice would you pass on?

Dr. Bozek had some great advice for anyone who wants to achieve something great in life. He wrote,  My advice would be simple – continue learning new things through your entire life. It’ll make your life very rich and fun. Push yourself to do things outside your “comfort zone” and you will be surprised how it opens up doors for you.”

4. What don’t you like about your job?

With any job their are positives and negatives, Dr. Bozek’s job is no different. From his experience, he said that paper work (long letters about the patients), and when he was first starting  in his career, he found that seeing very sick patients made him anxious, though over time he started to enjoy that part of the job, because he felt that he was a good person to help these patients.

5. How were you inspired?

When Dr. Bozek was going through medical school he was uncertain about which field of medical he was going to pursue. While he was doing a rotation with a neurology group at Saint Michaels hospital in Toronto, he was being lead by a “brilliant” neurologist who could diagnose people by only knowing a few facts, and examining a few things on the patient. After that experience Dr. Bozek was inspired to be like him, which he continues to do, to this day.

One thought on “Community Connection

  1. Thank you for submitting your Community Connection assignment for COL. We have reviewed your Edublog post, and have the following observations regarding your work:

    – Great job interviewing someone and seeking out information regarding their expertise
    – Way to incorporate your answers on your edublog

    Thank you,

    Mr. Barazzuol and Mr. Robinson
    COL Teachers

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