Desmos Art Functions Card 2019


This project was very time consuming and I spent a lot of time trying to make all my equations line up with each other so it looks presentable. I started out with making my letters for the card because it seemed easiest but took a lot more time than I thought it would. Most of the letters are made with constants and vertical lines and linear equations. My biggest difficulty was figuring out how to do my ‘s’. That was the most time consuming part for the letters trying to get different angles for the s shape but after many attempts, and FaceTime calls with a few friends, I got the right angles. After all my letters were done, I started my snowman!! The snowman was pretty easy for me to do because after using the circles for my s, I used them for the body of my snowman. The hardest part about the snowman was making his hat because I had to find different circle sizes that would match up with the hat. After my snowman I did my self portrait and the body and face was easy kind of but the hair is where I struggled the most. It was very hard for me to get my sin function to match up with my head and even when I did, I found it hard to make the function stretched so it would cover all sides of my head.  My Christmas tree and moon was pretty simple and I think they’re cute. I spent a lot of time trying to get precise domain restrictions and that took up a big part of my time as well. My biggest difficulty for this project was trying to get all the functions we covered so far. My plan was to make my Christmas card how I wanted and then at the end, go through my functions and make sure I have the 6 we needed. There was 3 functions I did not have so I had to find a way to include them without changing my card drastically. This project made me realize functions can actually be used in a fun way instead of just math homework in a classroom. The different functions helped me understand the shape of others better and what each function is more useful for me.

Tech Team DiVi Review

A) The DIVi builder makes it a lot easier for people to change the appearance of their blogs to the way they like it. As I was trying to customize the appearance and layout of my blog, they DiVi builder made it easier to find blogs that fall under peoples interests. The blog appearances were divided into different categories on the side and that makes it a lot easier for people to find the styles they like and it takes a lot less time trying to find one and scroll through them all.

D) I was using the DiVi builder to see how it would change my blog, and I did not want to actually change the appearance of my blog because I like how I did it from last year but I found using this a little confusing. The way it works is really confusing and there is not an explanation for how to use this app so I was really lost trying to edit my title and header etc.

E) I think this plugin can be used to help students organize the appearance of their blogs but I do not see how this can enhance student learning. I rarely use edublog, and a lot of classes do not really use edublog besides a few times to upload a projects or their homework. I would recommend this plugin to people who wants to be able to customize their appearance to their liking and for people who do you use edublog frequently.

Neuron communication

Neurons all have similar elements in their structures. They have dendrites that receive information from other neutrons and sensory receptors, they have a nucleus that provides energy for the neutron to carry out its functions, a cell body is the cells life support centre. There is an axon that carries neurons messages to other body areas, a myethlin sheath that covers the axon of some neutrons and helps speed neural impulses and there is the terminal branches of axon that forms junction with other cells. Neurons are cells that transmit and process information from the nervous system.

Action potential sweeps along the axon membrane away from the cell body. It’s a brief electrical charge that  travels down the axon and is caused by the movement of positive ions in and out axon.

There is 4 steps in during Action Potential. It starts with resting potential. This is when there are more positive ions outside the axon, and the negative axon has a negative charge. Then there’s depolarization with incoming messages thats stimulates a section of the axon that channels in  the membrane opening axon to allow Na+ ions to enter. Repolarization is when the channel is open allowing K+ ions to exit the axon and the charge returns to normal and then the next segment of depolarization begins.

Synapse is a chemical signal being sent to another neutron in the network. Synapse has a tiny separation between neurone, ends of dendrites of the receiving neutron, has tips of terminal branches of axon.

When the action potential reaches the axon terminal, it causes synaptic vesicles to release neurotransmitters into the synaptic gap. Neurotransmitters diffuse through the gap and bind receptors or receiving neuron. Neurotransmitters are deactivated by enzymes and reabsorbed by axon terminal. Neurotransmitter messages is received as either excitatory or inhibitory. If it is excitatory it stimulates action potential on receiving neuron and if it’s inhibitory, it represses action potential on receiving neuron.