Foods 12 Waste Plan

  • Reflect on the food waste in your life (home, eating out, school):

I don’t eat a lot when it comes to big meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner), so I end up having leftovers or throwing it away. Whenever my family has food left on our plates, we either store it in the fridge for the next day or throw it into the compost. At school I only throw away scraps and garbage. For example, I normally have an apple with my lunch.

  • Identify some areas for improvement (2-3):

I can grow a bigger appetite for the bigger meals, by having less snacks. I could also ask one of my parents to serve me less food, that way someone else has more to eat and we don’t waste the food.

  • Feasible action plan to cut down on waste (i.e. using pres. methods from class, talk to parents, friends, etc.)

To cut down waste, I can talk to my parents on how hungry I am that day. If I let them know ahead of time, they know how much food to prepare for either Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner. It also depends on the variety of food or what kind of cravings we are having that day. We also split up the foods for what goes into the compost and what doesn’t. For the food that doesn’t go into the compost, we use the garburator to break the food down. For scraps like bones and pasta, we put them into the compost.

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