Poetry Analysis

      Title of poems                                    Analysis    Poetic Devices  The road not taken by Robert Frost  The person chose his own path to take by choosing between two. He chose the path that felt right to him even though people doubted him.  -Has a rhyme scheme   -Narrative    If by Rudyard Kipling  From the writers own experiences, he is reflecting on his own life to send a message to the next generation(s)  -Narrative  -Has a rhyme scheme   Oh Captain by Walt Whitman  This…

Song Analysis: Building Understanding

Which Essential Question(s) is addressed in this piece of literature? Why is the feeling of want craved by people? What happens in the text/movie/Talk? What is the main message/theme? In the song, the person singing is out looking for this girls who he likes and he can’t find her. He said that he has looked everywhere for her and has tried to forget her. He said he looked in the center of the sun and he has tasted the words that had fallen out her…