On your blog, you will do a post demonstrating your understanding of the requirements for graduation.
Replace the blank lines (with instructions) with the appropriate information.
You can use the PowerPoint and document I showed you earlier in the semester to find this information. It is in the password area of the blog.
Reminder: Course credits are only earned on classes that are Grade 10 level and up. You only earn credits if you pass the course.
Fill in the info below, then copy and paste it into the body of your blog post:
In Grade 12, I will find all the necessary documents AND submit them (insert where to do so).
I will complete Grad Transitions 12 whenever I have English 12. If I have it in 1st semester, I must complete everything except the interview before the sale of winter ball tickets_. In 2nd semester, everything except the interview must be completed before the end of april.
Here is my Digital Autobiography for planning 10.
To keep me safe at work, I will…
To keep others safe at work, I will…
Mark’s story was the one that had the most affect on me because he was in person, but he also permanently lost the ability to use his left arm, which is not something I could live with. Although I may not have to work at a sawmill or anything with that level of machines, I think I can learn to always stay as safe as possible, think before I do, and also think of the worst that could happen so I can prepare for it.