The app I picked for this review was the Salt and Solubility from PhET.
There are not very many options in the App, but it can help you understand solubility if you are a kinesthetic learner.
To get a science app and review it.
Is this app free?
Will it help me with science?
What will I learn from this?
My dream is to understand solubility using this app.
I went to because they are a reliable resource and I looked for an app that could help me understand solubility.
The Salt and Solubility app looks like this when you launch it
You start by shaking the can at the top by dragging it up and down with the mouse.
The salt molecules then come out of the can
The salt molecules are at the top, on the right side, the app says that the green particles are chloride, and the red particles are sodium, which both make sodium chloride.
When the particles hit the water, the salt molecules break into individual pieces, meaning they have dissolved into the water.
This is the reason salt is soo hard to see when you put it in the water, it is because the salt breaks up into tiny molecules that you cannot see.
This app will help people learn solubility in science if they are struggling to understand it. This app is very useful for kinesthetic learners as it will show them the process of solubility and let them control the game.
I love how clear your work is and how well you described the app. Nice job 🙂
Hey Joshy-boy it’s me Justin you did a nice job on laying everything out it is clear and easy to read but a thing i want to help you is..more detailed? i guess since you only did like one sentence on each D’s but yea YOU ARE AN OTAKU I HEAARD YOU
why did you write this…
This review is very well done, and there is a clear understanding of the app. Is the app free? Can you use it on an IPad?
Great job Joshua. I like how you used pictures while doing this app review. I also like how you write a brief description of each picture and what happens when you do something.
Interesting app, but why your dream is to understand solubility using this app?
it is just an example. I already understand solubility.
Wow, I haven’t seen something so spectacular. It gives huge insight on this app. I like the part where you talk about the reasons salt is so hard to see when you put it in water. Well done!
I like how it explained how the salt separates into tiny molecules that u can’t see when put in water, like it visually showed me how this worked and helped me understand better,theway it was written, niceee
nice app
Is the app accessible to everyones device and does it fit into their price range? The pictures and text are plentiful. And describes the app great.
That looks like a great app Josh! But it would be nice if I could try it out for myself, try imbedding the game into your blog next time, thanks!
I like how thorough the description of the app is, and the pictures make it very easy to understand how the app works. Can you use the app on any device?
I really enjoyed the insights that you made about comparing the things that happen in the game with real life. You also made the app review very interesting.
Thank you for outlining the steps of solution fluency. You have also done well to explain your app. A little more detail would help you get your story across better. I liked seeing that you had responded to a comment. Keep it up!