Socials 9 Timeline

1924 My Grandmother was born in Molotshna, Ukraine.

Image result for molotschna

1925 Her family moved to Mexico from Ukraine.

Image result for 1900s mexico

1928 Her family moved to Manitoba, Canada from Mexico. Where she went to nursing school.


1940s her family moved to the Chiliwack area. Where she worked in a hospital.

1953 she met my Grandfather and in 1955 they got married.

1965 My father was born.

1967 They settled in Port Coquitlam


  1. Where did your family move from? Molotshna, Ukraine
  2. When and why your family moved? 1925, because my Grandmothers father was getting worried about what was happening in Russia at the time.
  3. How did they travel here? By boat and train
  4. Why did they settle in Port Coquitlam? Because they were able to buy land and build on it here.
  5. What did they bring with them and what did they leave behind? They brought little with them and left behind a farm in Ukraine
  6. What are some cultural traditions that are practiced by people in your country? Christmas, Easter etc.
  7. Has your family maintained any of these traditions. yes
  8. Did your family face any hardships in moving to Canada? Weather was rough and they were poor.