My Personal Thoughts on the Indonesian Earthquake

Prompt 2

Dear Cousin Michael

I recently learned about the devastation than occurred in Palu and immediately wondered how you were doing. I was watching the news here in Canada and I feel how lucky I am to be here right now in the safety of my home. I heard about the collapse of the hospital and the hardship that this earthquake has caused on all it’s people, and how unfortunate that it was. I can’t imagine living without electricity, and even proper medical care in which you are forced to endure. Even not being able to stay up past dark limits the ability to be able to conquer your hard ship. This has made me feel anxious that it may happen to us where I live. We are due for a major earthquake to occur, so a devastation like this is yet to occur here How is your son doing in this catastrophe? Now that the schools aren’t open, I was wondering it he is holding up on his dream on becoming a doctor? Unavailable education must be extremely difficult for him with high hopes like he has. I know that if I couldn’t receive the higher education that I have been saving for all my life would bring down my optimism, but I can’t even imagine what it would be like for him who loves his academics. I was wondering if your house was still standing, or was it swept away from the tsunami and the liquefaction in the ground. I know you never give up, and will strive for the best for you and son in whatever situation that you are in. I am worried about you and I almost feel guilty for being safe in the warmth of my house when you would be struggling to even find a blanket in the cold of the night. I sincerely hope that you are safe, and are able to stay healthy for as long as you can in the condition that your city is in. I could only imagine how stressed I would be if an earthquake of that magnitude came to Port Coquitlam, I would be devastated, and worrying about finding everyone who is missing. I am so sorry for everything that has happened and everything you must be going through. I hope help comes your way soon and you get food and water, and healthcare. I hope your safe and healthy and good thing come your way soon.


From: Jayna

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