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Rapids at Home Workout
I hope you all can enjoy this Rapids at Home Workout I created to have fun and stay fit!
Weekly Buddies – Core Competency
Lit Circle 2 – Illustrator and Horoscope Profile
Discussion – Illustrator
This discussion was alike our first, it was still introducing the characters and getting more into depth of Lale and his personality. Lale was promoted to be Tätowierer – he tattoos the incoming prisoners. Throughout the chapter, he gets to know a girl. This girl turns into a person of Lale’s interest. He runs into her on Sunday’s and sends her notes. I chose to illustrate the girls barcode number as he refers to her as that throughout the while chapter. If I could think of one way to symbolize this reading section, it would be this.
Horoscope Profile – Main Character – Lale
Song Analysis – Church Bells
Math Scav !!
Week 6 – Precalculus 11
This week was all about factoring and QUADRATICS!!! I just did a super long video (sorry) on what we have gone over thus far! Enjoy!!
Week 5 – Precalculus 11
This week in Precalculus we started a new unit! Solving Quadratic Equations. We primarily focused on review and factoring Binomials and Trinomials. I enjoyed this last year, so I liked this week. Of course it was not the same as last year, but I learned and revisited the idea / synonym; CDPEU… and that is what I am going to be talking about in this Blog Post! I will provide a silly sentence to remember this trick and an expression to go with each letter! So far, this helpful hint has been used in almost everything we have done. Enjoy 🙂
Week 3 – Precalculus 11
This week was short. Monday we had our test for Sequences and Series, Tuesday we had a snow day, Wednesday we started review on Roots and Radicals with a new element of Absolute Value and today we continued with those ideas and completed the Checkpoint questions. This week was pretty low-key. What I will be highlighting in my ShowMe, was what I struggled with most – When there is a fraction under a root sign. I enjoy attaching ShowMe’s as it allows my viewers to see the specific steps, along with hearing my voice; It has most learning styles included! Hopefully it works for you. As I said, you will be watching how to solve for a fraction being placed under a root sign, some mixed and entire radicals, along with a question or two of solving for an Absolute Value.
Week 2 – Precalculus 11
This week wrapped up our first unit! It was generally based around Geometric Sequences and Series. For myself, it was a step higher from Arithmetic Sequences and Series and slightly more challenging. Due to formulas, solving the questions in the workbook came with ease… except word problems. Therefore, I thought I would demo one for my Blogpost this week!