Category: Grade 9

Circle Talk Reflection

 How did this experience reflected this principle? 1. How can one learn through oral communication? We can learn about different people’s background. The way First Nation do, how they honour their ancestor, their songs. Each activities help us learn more about each other, know who we are and culture of the territory we are on. 2. How did this exercise…

Community Connection

For my interview, I decided to interviewed mochamochicake, who is an internet artist. She had started selling her own products and she has currently 94.9K instagram follower. I chose to interview her because I had always been a fan of her art, she has her own unique drawing style and character. I had started my art account two years ago…

Power Solution Fluency

Define: Replace fossil fuels by using renewable sources or hydro sources to gernerate electricity in Canada.   Global warming had always been the major issue in our environment. And the main reason causing it is the combustion of fossil fuel. Fossil fuel plants are used to generate electricity in many countries. Fossil fuel power plants would burn carbon fuels like coal, gas or oil to generate steam that…

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