November 2020 archive

socials core competencies

The projects I chose to write about are the movie pitch and the identity project we completed. For the movie pitch, I had to use critical thinking because I had to do a lot of research and I had to find a lot of primary sources which was very difficult. It also took a lot of time for me to finish it because of all the research I had to do and then I also had to make a relevant storyline that made sense to world war 1 which took a lot of time but it was also fun because I really liked my story and thought it was very interesting. I also had to use critical thinking because I had to really think about what research is relevant and what makes sense to put into my story. For the other project which is the identity project, I had to use creative thinking because it was an art piece and I had to make something that described Canada in the 2000s. I came up with some good ideas for it which I liked but I had to paint it and use my creativity to tie all my ideas together. It was pretty easy for me to develop ideas for it because I always had a clue in what I wanted which was helpful. And I really liked this project because I could be creative with it and tie in some of my art skills so this and the movie pitch were probably my favorite projects even though I felt like we needed some more time for the movie pitch

wonder question

Could there be any form of life on Pluto, My question for my wonder project is could there be any form of life on Pluto, I honestly think there is a possibility that there could be but they would have to be able to live in a  very cold climate because it is at least 240 degrees Celsius there, so if any person would want to ever go there to discover anything and to see if there was life, they would need a suite that can keep them very warm because they would otherwise die from the cold. So, if there was any life, they would have to be immune to the cold and they can strive off of it. They could also use their giant 11,000 feet tall frozen glaciers that are made of frozen nitrogen as habitats. And there is probably not a lot of any living things there because the planet is very small, their suite would also need to have more gravity because their gravity is very low on Pluto it is about 0.66m/s. It’s actually very close to the sun even closer than our eight planets so it is surprising that it is as cold as it is.


I also feel like this life form might be unhuman like, maybe it’s an animal because there is no way something humanly could live like that in the cold and how icy the surroundings are and I feel like one day we might discover a being but not with a spacecraft because they did get the first spacecraft to pass by Pluto and was a success and it got a few images, if we ever get a person up onto Pluto they could try to go into the glaciers and get the chance to really look around and try discovering it if there are any life forms on it.


This is more about us getting our spacecraft there. They Sent a spacecraft that went really close to pluto and it was the first spacecraft to ever get that close to the outermost planet in our solar system, so I’m confident that we could get there in the future where a person can actually go up there and discover everything themselves and that they can. Which will help them to see if there is any form of life or any clues that could help lead to something that’s living on Pluto.


They also have giant ice volcanos when they did their fly by spacecraft took a few pictures and in them, you can see that there are also ice volcanoes which would make it harder for any living thing to survive there but there still could be life. This image is Pluto and one of its moon Charon. You can see a lot of its details and is a good image of it. The video I also added I thought it was very interesting because you can see how Pluto’s atmosphere glows and how if there were any living things could use that as a way to hide or they could even live in the atmosphere but were never close enough to see or to tell what’s in Pluto’s atmosphere.

Beech, Martin, et al. “Pluto.” The Gale Encyclopedia of Science, edited by K. Lee Lerner and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner, 5th ed., Gale, 2014. Gale In Context: Science, Accessed 6 Nov. 2020.

Cowen, R. “New solar system? Twelve planets and counting.” Science News, vol. 170, no. 8, 19 Aug. 2006, p. 115. Gale In Context: Science, Accessed 6 Nov. 2020.

Watson, Traci. “Greetings, Pluto! New Horizons says hello.” USA Today, 15 July 2015, p. 01A. Gale In Context: Science, Accessed 6 Nov. 2020.

Beatty, J. Kelly. “Pluto: cryogenic volcanoes found on dwarf planet?” Sky & Telescope, vol. 131, no. 2, Feb. 2016, p. 11. Gale In Context: Science, Accessed 10 Nov. 2020.

Image – “Pluto and Charon.” Space Sciences, edited by Pat Dasch, Macmillan Reference USA, 2010. Gale In Context: Science, Accessed 6 Nov. 2020.

Video- “NASA Releases New Pluto Photos.” AP Video News, 24 July 2015. Gale In Context: Science, Accessed 10 Nov. 2020.