October 2020 archive

science core competencies

I chose to write about our rube gold burg project that we recently did. This demonstrated my strengths because I had to use my critical thinking because this whole project was basically trial and error and I had to do it over a lot because, either the camera angle wasn’t right or something wouldn’t work. Even though my idea was kind of basic it still took me a lot of time for them to actually line up properly and work. I also had to be very patient with this project because of how long it took it also made me very frustrated at times because it wouldn’t work until the fifteenth time of me trying to make it work. This project taught me that you sometimes have to switch things up to get the result you want because I had to switch my idea multiple times for it to actually work. It also taught me that not to procrastinate because you will have to do a lot of work on the last day but luckily I had the time to. And did not leave it until the last moment and organized it very well so there wasn’t that much pressure or a time crunch for me. I also learned that filming is harder than I thought because getting an angle with everything in the frame is quite hard and I still couldn’t get Lola in the frame because it was just too long so that was making me very frustrated because I took so many tries but yet I still couldn’t in the frame so I just left her out even though you can see a little hop at the end. I can further develop my thinking competencies by putting more time into them and thinkings in-depth about them.