June 2020 archive

socials core competencies

Socials core competencies

Critical thinking: I used this while we ad to answer all of out textbook questions because I had to read carefully and analyze the questions and information. While that process, I also had many questions that I asked my friends or my teacher I also ad to try and answer my own questions because everything is online which made me investigate more into each topic/ question. I had to develop a good strategy to complete all the questions and how to handle each individual one.


Creative thinking: for my trading cards I had to use my creative thinking to use the information I had and make them into a knowledgeable card. I had to generate ideas in what I wanted to do for it and had to make lots of sketches and rough drafts before the final copy. I had to develop well-working ideas that would fit in with the topic and present it well.

TOKTW 2019

Name: Diana Rap:25_______Class: __chee________

Due: ______November 18_________________

The Assignment:

You will be observing your host throughout the day. There are 3 parts to this assignment:

Part 1- The Interview: Observe your host at work, at some point interview your host and record/make notes of the results
Part 2 – Reflection: After the day is finished, reflect upon your experience and answer the reflection questions Part 3 – Post Your Assignment to Your Blog: Once your have completed Part 1 and Part 2 post it on your blog. Make sure you take pictures and/or videos to document your day, you can place them in your blog.

Name of your host: Maryam Relationship to you: she is my aunt

The Interview: (ask your host these questions)

1. What is your job title? _______frame stylist and optical assistant __________________________________________________
2. What is your job description? someone who finds glasses to fit the customers prescription and one that fits there face shape.________________________________________________________________
3. What are the duties and/or tasks you perform at your job? helping customers find the right glasses for there prescription and to see what glasses fit the shape of there face also adjusting the glasses to fit there face and adjusting and changing nose pads on the glasses check inventory for frames.______________________________________________________________________
4. What qualifications do you have for this job in the following areas:
a) training? _one year training to learn how to adjust the glasses and learn about material about the glasses____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ b) education?__if she was an option she would need at least two years of university but because she is a frame stylist she doesn’t need to go to university or collage . __________________________________________________________
c) experience? ______two years of experience ____________________________________________________
d) skills and attributes (personal qualities)?_____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________
5. What are some of the things you like about the job? __when a customer is satisfied and happy with my help and me helping them get better vision._______________________________
6. What are some of the things you dislike about this job? __when I cant help a customer because they have a eye condition that we cant help with but professionals can. _____________________________

7. How do you anticipate this job changing in the next 5 years or so? It could change because a lot of things are going online and that more people will go and buy there glasses online even if they don’t know if it fits the face or not._____________________
Other question (s):
Student Reflections:
1. Give three reasons why you would like this job (be specific):
a) Get to work and talk to people ________________________________________________________________
b) get to style glasses on people _____________________________________________________________
c) __get to help pople ______________________________________________________________
2. Give three reasons why you would not like this job (be specific):
a) _this job isn’t very fun or of interest to me so it could be kind of boring _______________________________________________________________
b) _______there lots of organization that goes into this job which I am not very _________________________________________________________
c) _______you always need to be talking to people all the time which could get annoying after awhile _________________________________________________________
3. Is this job for you? Why or why not?
________this job is not for me because I don’t have the patience to talk to people and spend enough time with every customer that is needed __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________
4. Explain the value of the TOKTW experience in relation to your ideas about your post secondary (after high school) plans (education?, training?, travel?, work?).
______the value of this experience is that it gave me an idea in what things I don’t want to do in the future which is good but also gave me an idea in what I would be more interested to do. ____________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________
Blog Post:
Step 1: Go to your Blog
Step 2: Create a new post
– Title: TOKTW 2019
– Category: Portfolio
– Tag: TOKTW2019(Teachers last name in Capitals) e.g. TOKTW2019CHEE
– Add Media: Add a picture or video of your work place
Step 3: Add your assignment to the post by doing one of the following
– Copy and paste the assignment from a word document
– Type in all of the questions and answers
– Upload a PDF
– Any other means to place your work in your post
Step 4: Click Publish



cup ball


Step 1- Empathize: What is the problem we are trying to solve? Who are we trying to help and why?

The problem would be the cups/cones over the points and you are trying to get the points under each individual cup/cone. You are trying to win the game by getting the most points and beating your competitors.


Step 2-Define: What are the specific limitations and barriers that exist to solving this problem?

The limitations are that you are standing at a specific pint and can’t go past it. Also that there are cones over your points so you don’t know how many points is under your cup/cone that you aim for.


Step 3 –   Ideate: Apply knowledge to a solution. Time to brainstorm. Use the model below.

What to use I am going to use plastic cups and a roller hockey ball because that is what I have around my house because for this game you need cups and a ball and a friend to play with you. There only one way to play this game. You will need yourself and another person because yyou have to be against someone and if you don’t want to play with the people in your house hold you can face time a friend and they also set up the game in there house and then you guys van play. You will need a big enough space for you to stand about a meter or so away from the cups you are trying ti hit for example I used my living room and it worked perfectly a hallway would also work very well. The game is a target game because you are aiming at the cups which is your target.


Step four create a Prototype: Complete this outline fully Riverside Game Design

Name of the Game

Objective –What is the Purpose |Goal of the Game

The purpose of the game is getting as many points as you can from hitting the cups

Description –Describe Your Game and What it Should Look Like

You should be standing at a certain spot then have about six cups is v shape about a meter away from you or farther and the cups should have about five centimeters of space between them so its harder and if you want more of a challenge make it farther.

Rules of the Game–Describe the Rules

The rules are very simple you can’t pass your line/ the spot you chose to stand your certain spot and that you must be honest with how many points you got.

Strategies | Tactics

A strategy I would use would be instead of rolling the ball very aggressively I would be gentle so that is goes where I want it to.

Progressions–Can it Evolve

It can evolve/ make it more difficult by standing farther away from the cups. Putting more space between the cups themselves or make the point less so it is harder to win and takes longer.

Equipment–List What is Needed

You need a ball I would say at least the size of a tennis ball and if you don’t have that smaller is okay, but bugger would make it to easy. You will also need at least six cups because that makes it even and the last thing you need is someone that will play against you either over facetime or in person.

Safety Considerations–Safety First

The only safety consideration I have is don’t throw the ball at each other or to hard that it could break something.


Part 3: reflection

What I did in this project/ my role was mainly to come up with ideas and come up with the rules and make the game basically and help anyone who needs help with there tasks. The things that went well in this project was the game itself I thought it was fun and exciting to play with someone especially if you are competitive like me and my family. Something I wish we did better in would have to be communication because it was very difficult. What I have learned through this progress is that communication really helps to get things done an make everything much easier.

whirligig project

bumper stickers:

  1. Brent wanted to take his own life because he wanted to be popular and date Brianna. The quote says, “death is a permanent solution for a temporary problem”. Because high school is temporary, and popularity is temporary it wont last for long but if he dies he will never come back and it will be permeant. It isn’t worth it.
  2. The quote says, “accidents are not accidents but precise arrivals at the wrong right time”. Brent had to go through something in his life that would teach him that being popular and fitting in isn’t everything in life. Also, that standing out from others is a good thing. He had to have a learning experience in his life and this was it.
  3. The quote says “its your road and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but NO one can walk it for you.” This is relevant because he had to go on this road to learn about himself and to redeem himself not just for him but for leahs mother and that he must travel by himself and learn on his own even though he makes allies along the way the journey is his to take.



  1. getting any respect at Montfort was going to be like climbing a glass mountain pg.

this was a metaphor in the story. Brent felt like he would never get respect or fit in at Montfort his new school and he felt like it was “like climbing a glass mountain” which would be very difficult because it would be slippery and its glass. He felt as if he would never fit in there and that none of the kids there like him. I feel like the author used this because they wanted you to realise how difficult it is for him there by using that reference.

  1. the voice flowed through his veins like morphine.

This is a metaphor because he didn’t actually take any drugs, he is just out of it and can’t process things properly in that moment. He was driving and he heard voices in his head telling him things that either weren’t true but he listened it was making him feel like there were drugs in his body because of the voices.

  1. A teacher lives forever through his students.” Page 70

This is a metaphor. I think the author put this in the story because he met a allies and he was teaching him how his teacher thought him. Just like the quote said a teacher lives forever through his students his friend was the student who turned into a teacher for Brent and taught him his ways and Brent turned into the student but soon he will become a teacher and his friend will live through him and his teacher forever.

  1. “I’m Korean. I can do anything if I apply myself.” Page 78

This would be symbolism because they are stereotyping him because they are saying because he is Korean he can do anything when he applies himself but it isn’t just because he Korean its because he puts the effort forward and applies himself that is why he can do anything. I think the author put that in the story because he was adopted into a family that wasn’t Korean and his mother had expectations just because he was from Korean decent.




  1. Brent felt he had a glimpse of Olympus

This is a biblical allusion because Olympus is a god he had felt like he saw a glimpse of him because when he was at the party he saw a room full of juniors or the people in his school/ classmates. They were almost like gods in Olympus for him because he wanted to fit in so bad.

  1. This morning they played some Corelli on the radio composed 1681 don’t you find it amazing that were still listening to it whole centuries later pg. 122 this is a historical allusion because it was back from 1681 Corelli was a musician and even years later they still listen and enjoy his music which shows that even years later people will still see your work not just art but any hard work you put in.
  2. He spoke the word Deneb in his mind and felt himself to be Adam. Naming the world around him pg. 63 this is a biblical allusion because Adam was a part of the bible and when he said that he looked out the window to the beautiful sky then he read on. He saw so many stunning sights on his journey, this is related to the theme because its like unseen forces because he can’t see it but he reads about it which makes them real and makes them powerful.