Interpersonal and Family Relationships 11 Core Competency Reflection

My artifact is a power point so I added the link down below. I chose to write about the What Would You Do Discussion since it ties is with the communication part.

I chose to focus on the what would you do discussion as my core competency reflection because I feel as if it’s a good project that focus’s on communication which ties into to the core competency, communication. With the what would you do discussion it’s a new way of connecting with others, you get to show you’re point of view to other students and you get the chance to share your ideas with others. There is also a big discussion with the class involved in this project which is another good example of communication, the whole class go to share there opinion and talk about it afterwards.





Cremation of Same McGee Questions

1.Where was Sam McGee’s hometown?



2.Why was Sam traveling in the Arctic?

-Because the Artic trails have their secret tales.


3.What was the last request that Sam made to Cap?

-To cremate his remains


4.How did Cap feel about his promise after some time had passed?

-he didn’t want to do it and regrets making the promise and he was mad about it


4.What happened to Cap’s sled dogs? How did this make things worse for Cap?

-the dogs were spent



5.Why was Cap unable to cremate Sam’s remains in the wilderness?

-it hurt him


6.Where did Cap ultimately cremate Sam’s remains?

-at lake lebarge


7.Hours after placing Sam’s body in the boiler, Cap looked inside. What did he see?

-He saw sams ghost smiling and talking




  1. You know that theme is the message the author wants you, the reader, to walk away from this poem with. What is the message/theme Robert Service is trying to share with you? Be able to support your theme with evidence from the poem.

-I think its don’t be afraid to keep a promise.





  1. What does this passage mean to you, “In the days to come, though my lips were dumb, in my heart how I cursed that load!”

-For me it means even though I said something I still have to go through with my promise.






  1. In your opinion, why didn’t Cap go back on his promise? Sam would have never known!

-He didn’t want to be a bad person and brake a promise even if Sam didn’t find out.






  1. What really happened when Cap opened that boiler? Did he really see the ghost of Sam? Was he hallucinating? What do you think, and why do you think this?

-I think he was hallucinating because in my opinion you cant see a ghoste.

Solution fluency

-Develop some questions

-How many people are in out group?, there were 4 people in our group.

-What were the devices in our group?, The devices were 4 laptops

-Are the people in our group good with technology?, It was bit of a mic=x, some people were and others weren’t.


What could you do if your device could read to you?  How could it help?

If my devices could read to me that would be pretty help full, the reason I say that is because it would be a lot less work and it would make homework easier and just in general doing work my on my device easier. A way it could help is say someone is blind so they clearly can’t see, if their devices could read out loud to them it would make their life very simple on that part and they could get more work done.


-What’s your plan?

Our plan was to go into the settings of our devices and see if we could change a few things to make our devices read to us, but as many different things we tried it didn’t work for us and out devices didn’t read to us.


How could you have improved your plan?

I feel like we could have done a bit of research and found different ways of making out devices read to us instead of just trying 2-3 different things then giving up.


How would you define the investigation in your own words?

I would say it was pretty hard to find out a way to make your laptop speak to you but overall it something interesting to play around with.


-What questions did the investigation conjure up?

It made me wonder how many people do this to their devices and why they do it as well as if they do it their selves or if they buy devices that are already like this.


-What answer did you find?

The answer that I found was that not very many people have devices that read to them and if they do they don’t buy it that way they either set it up their selves or get someone to set it up for them.


What did you do well and what could you have improved on?

I think we worked really well as a group but something we could improve on is maybe actaually figuring out how to make the devices read to us.





Personal Awareness and Responsibility

One of my learning goals, One learning goal I have is to participate more in class, I came to that goal because I realized that I don’t talk much or answer a lot of questions in class.

One thing I always do is listen to music or talk to friends because that always helps me out.

I mean if I’m being honest I’m a really impatient person so one thing I always do when I have to wait is either go on my phone or listen to music, I started doing that since I got a phone so I have been doing that for a log time, and it helps because it keeps me distracted and im not always focusing on the time.

Character Recipe


-6 cups of height

-Half a cup of over protective

-3 scoops of chatty

-4 tbsp of funny

-2 cups of strong

-1 cup of impatient

-2 tsp of fairness

-7 scoops of honest



Mix in the 7 scoops of honest, 2 tsp of fairness, and the half cup of over protective in one bowl and in a separate bowl mix in the 1 cup of impatient, 4 tbsp of funny, and 3 scoops of chatty. After you’re done mixing those slowly add in the second bowl into the first bowl and mix. After those are all mixed together add in the 2 cups of strong and the cups of height and mix. Once those are all mixed together but it in the fridge to chill overnight and you’re done.

That’s it to this recipe, I hope you give it a try.

Community connections

Hey Darya! This is what I came up with. You can edit some of it is you want or add anything that you can think of.
  1. Why are you passionate about your job?
I am passionate about my job because everyday I get to do something that i love. I also get to teach kids that were just like me when i was younger. I get to be creative, athletic, and organized, which are things that i enjoy.

2. What obstacles did you have to go through to get to where you are now?

I have been part of this community for 18 years and have gotten the chance to work with many different mentors as well as fellow students. This for some could be an obstacle to face when starting in this field. Before I was allowed to start teaching I was part of a student teaching program for around 5 years where I was a helper in class rooms. I was monitored and asked to help with student management and class prep but no choreography. This program was a volunteer opportunity and was limited in space. This gave me a inside look at what goes into to being a teacher. Many people don’t get a opportunity to do this which could make the process of being qualified enough a obstacle.

3. What are some tips you would give someone who is interested in what you’re doing?

If someone wanted to become a dance teacher I would suggest that they should prepare themselves as best they can. This to me means understand how big that this commitment is. I teach the same schedule from september to june like the school district schedule. There is also more aspect then just teaching children. Things like invoicing are aspects of this job that I had no idea how to do before I started. Being a dance teacher at a privately owned studio is different then if you are working for a big company, you need to be able to communicate with lots of different people like parents, kids and coworkers.

4. Would you be open to do something like this again with another riverside student? If yes, how could they contact you?

yes I would be open to do something like this, here’s my contact info:
Ashleigh Gemmell
cell: 7788757433

5. What’s your favourite part of this job?

I love the opportunity to be apart of many kids lives, and be able to watch them grow and advance through the years.

6. What made you want to go into this career?

My dance teacher growing up is one of the many  role models in my life and it was the way that she affected my life and encouraged me made me want to learn more. Also, who wouldn’t want to have a career doing something that they love!