Solution fluency

-Develop some questions

-How many people are in out group?, there were 4 people in our group.

-What were the devices in our group?, The devices were 4 laptops

-Are the people in our group good with technology?, It was bit of a mic=x, some people were and others weren’t.


What could you do if your device could read to you?  How could it help?

If my devices could read to me that would be pretty help full, the reason I say that is because it would be a lot less work and it would make homework easier and just in general doing work my on my device easier. A way it could help is say someone is blind so they clearly can’t see, if their devices could read out loud to them it would make their life very simple on that part and they could get more work done.


-What’s your plan?

Our plan was to go into the settings of our devices and see if we could change a few things to make our devices read to us, but as many different things we tried it didn’t work for us and out devices didn’t read to us.


How could you have improved your plan?

I feel like we could have done a bit of research and found different ways of making out devices read to us instead of just trying 2-3 different things then giving up.


How would you define the investigation in your own words?

I would say it was pretty hard to find out a way to make your laptop speak to you but overall it something interesting to play around with.


-What questions did the investigation conjure up?

It made me wonder how many people do this to their devices and why they do it as well as if they do it their selves or if they buy devices that are already like this.


-What answer did you find?

The answer that I found was that not very many people have devices that read to them and if they do they don’t buy it that way they either set it up their selves or get someone to set it up for them.


What did you do well and what could you have improved on?

I think we worked really well as a group but something we could improve on is maybe actaually figuring out how to make the devices read to us.





Wonder project

Why has anxiety increased in so many people in just a few years?

I’ve been doing a lot of research to find an answer for question but I can’t find a specific answer for this one question so, I’ll be telling you the information I’ve taken in along the way of researching this question. There are a few main things I’ve picked up on throughout the research part of this project some of these things are, the causes of anxiety, how it can effect you if don’t get help, what you can do to get help, and the  types of anxiety.


Some of the causes of anxiety are OCD, PTSD, GAD, you’re probably wondering what these 3 are so let me tell you. OCD, OCD stands for obsessive-compulsive disorder, so what is OCD you might be wondering, well OCD is a disorder where people have unwanted and repeated thoughts, feelings, obsessions and behaviors that make them do something over and over until it’s perfect. PTSD, PTSD is another mental disorder that stands for post-traumatic stress disorder, what is PTSD? Well PTSD is a mental disorder that is triggered by a terrifying situation that you have either witnessed or that has happened to you. And finally GAD, GAD stands for generalized anxiety disorder, what is it? Well GAD is when you get uncontrollable worry about something small or big, you can get panic attacks/anxiety attacks and not being able to calm yourself down.


Ok so I talked about what can happen if you don’t get help but now let me tell you what you can do to get help, there are many different things you can do to help but 2 of the main things are therapy and medications. Therapy is a great way to help if you have anxiety, it always depends on how serious you case is but usually its does really work, therapists have studied for many years and have been trained to help in situations where people have a serious anxiety disorder. Another way to help is medication, there are many different types of medications out there for anxiety but the 3 most common ones are antidepressants, anti-anxiety, and beta-blockers. But also don’t forget it’s different for every person.


So I told you about the causes of anxiety, what it can do if you don’t get help, how you can get help and finally I’m going to tell you the different types of anxiety there is out there. There are many types of anxiety disorders but I’ll only be naming a few of them for example: social anxiety, separation anxiety, panic disorder, and general anxiety disorder. These 4 are 4 of the many types of anxiety disorders out there and it is not easy to live with it so don’t forget if you see someone having an anxiety attack don’t make fun of them and don’t say rude things about them, try to help them out and if not the just go along with your day. 

