Interpersonal and Family Relationships 11 Core Competency Reflection

My artifact is a power point so I added the link down below. I chose to write about the What Would You Do Discussion since it ties is with the communication part.

I chose to focus on the what would you do discussion as my core competency reflection because I feel as if it’s a good project that focus’s on communication which ties into to the core competency, communication. With the what would you do discussion it’s a new way of connecting with others, you get to show you’re point of view to other students and you get the chance to share your ideas with others. There is also a big discussion with the class involved in this project which is another good example of communication, the whole class go to share there opinion and talk about it afterwards.





Personal Awareness and Responsibility

One of my learning goals, One learning goal I have is to participate more in class, I came to that goal because I realized that I don’t talk much or answer a lot of questions in class.

One thing I always do is listen to music or talk to friends because that always helps me out.

I mean if I’m being honest I’m a really impatient person so one thing I always do when I have to wait is either go on my phone or listen to music, I started doing that since I got a phone so I have been doing that for a log time, and it helps because it keeps me distracted and im not always focusing on the time.