The course will explore the 20th Century World History from the immediate effects of World War I on the new geopolitical realities to the post-World War II global realignments of the economic, political, and social landscapes. Furthermore, History 12 will look upon the more recent events that shaped the world after the end of the Cold War and Canada’s role as a strong international voice of peace and progress. History 12 is designed to develop the students’ ability to use historical inquiry, recognize implicit and explicit ethical judgements, understand events and facts inside and outside their historical context, make reasoned ethical judgments, and assess the value of various historical accounts. Correspondingly, students are expected to achieve a high level of competency in elaborating minute analyses and construct solid syntheses. The course is based on both collaborative and inter-active activities including: discussions, critical debates, projects, jigsaw activities, roundtables, brainstorming, blogs, etc. * FRIM students must take Histoire 12 or Cultures Comparées 12 either in grade 11 or 12.