GOOD COPY group inquiry-28nqdfh
Category: English 10
Independent Novel Study Inquiry Project
Inspiration Poem
Poetry Presentation English10-25hfv4p
Analyzing Poetry
1. The song “Ghosting” is about a guy (main singer in the band AKA Ryan Guldemond) who has an interest in someone but they do not like him back, and he is tired of chasing after the person he likes. The song address a social phenomenon. 2. The main singer in the band is singing […]
Building Understanding-Harrison Bergeron
Building-Understanding-Harrison Burgeron-zj0uy9
Sam the Athlete Persuasive Paragraph
The Boy who Played with the Girls A boy pretended to be a girl just so he could be on the field hockey team. Sam the athlete by Stuart McLean was about a boy named Sam who accidentally signed up for the girls field hockey team. Sam had never been the athletic type so when […]
Children’s Pathways to a theme