Synthesis Essay Reflection

This essay wasn’t easy since I was behind on most of the work from missing school. Things that I think I did good with are applying the transition words and using the semicolons that I learned. I wanted to make the essay easy to read and understand because that’s what I would want to look for in an essay. I didn’t add enough evidence for my points and that was the biggest downfall of my essay, but overall I think I did a decent job.

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The Earth is Flat

I had some troubles making this rant. First, I didn’t know what topic to do, like every year, but after going out and thinking for a bit, I came up with this. I know it isn’t the best topic, since there isn’t scientific evidence, but I thought it would be fun to make something lighthearted. Two things I would change next year would not do this on the last night, and go over my rant a couple times so I know how I’m going to present it.


Narrative Essay Reflection

Image result for sleep paralysis

I think my intro to the story was pretty well done. It told a little about what my story is about without spoiling anything and i think that it was a pretty good hook. I tried using colons, which I rarely use but was able to use it correctly. Another thing i did well was how I left cliff hangers at the end of the paragraphs to engage the readers more. I know that I didn’t follow the Hero’s Journey very well. I couldn’t think of anything that can be used as a Hero’s Journey in my life, and besides, if I tried to use something that wasn’t this interesting, I wouldn’t have enjoyed writing this at all. I also rambled on about unnecessary details before getting to the main part of the story, and should also work on the “show don’t tell” part.


A Living Nightmare (1)-1x4lqrh

The Death of Mann

Chris Mann and his brother Thondee Mann owns a company. On the verge of being fired, Thondee Mann decided to murder his brother, Chris Mann. Now James Cordeen is on the case. I played Thondee, Jesse played James, and Ben played the suspect, Mr. Ben. We took a long time to create a story, which I took the lead in making. We had ideas on earthquakes, alcohol, the navy seals, but in the end, we came up with this story. We started filming on Monday, where it was raining. The rain screwed with our plan and we were not able to go outside to film the scene of the murder. We messed around, but we were able to finish filming most of the inside scenes. Jesse and I went to a friend’s house and had him to help us, and there we were able to finish filming my scenes. Tuesday stopped raining, so we went outside to film. We finished everything in half an hour. I’m doing the editing so I will edit everything at home. I had a difficult time editing since my software kept crashing, so I ended up staying up until 5am. But after I woke up the video corrupted, that caused me to stay home to re-render the video. It was a tight schedule, but I managed to upload it before class started.

Social Justice Poem



It’s like the darkness,

It’s not a thing,

But it’s something that we lack.

It’s a curse of human society,

And prevails where injustice is.


It’s pollution that causes climate change,

It’s what we create.

We recognize the danger,

Yet we do nothing to stop it.


It’s like being stuck in the middle of the ocean,

Trying to find a way out.

Their cold and wet bodies,

Desperately trying to search for an exit,

A doorway out of hell.

Image result for poverty

Where I’m From

I am from chopsticks,

From rice and noodles.

I am from the basement in my house,

(Dark, boring, smells like air.)

I am from dandelions,

Whose colours are yellow, just like me.


I’m from sticks and eyeglasses,

From Anna and Ben.

I’m from the doctors and lawyers,

From eat and sleep.

I’m from the foods that we eat on Chinese New Years.


I’m from Paris and China,

Hotpots and dumplings.

From the time my parents spent for me,

The happiness my sister shared with me.


In my parent’s drawer there is an album,

Full of pictures that represent precious memories.

The Human Condition


In the Human documentary directed by Yann Arthus-Bertrand, a Jewish lady tells the story of her experience as a baby while they were at war. A German officer entered the ghetto one night. Since her mother isn’t able to take proper care of her she asked the officer if he can take care of her. The German officer had no reason to take up on that offer by the Jewish lady, but took the baby with him. This man named Alois Pleva works for the German army and lives by the German border, he went out of his way to save a Jewish baby from a woman he’s never met before. He took the baby to his parents at the border between Poland and Germany and they raised her in the purest Catholic tradition until the end of the war. This video shows that in times of conflict, extreme hardships, human are able to trust one another. What the German officer did showed hope in what we call human folly.

Getting to Know You

My top intelligence is spatial, where I can remember things visually. I agree with what the response says, I have a very good memory so it is the best for me to learn things visually. I am somewhat good at drawing and I learn from watching others. In second for my intelligence is body movement, I learn from doing fun activities that involve movement. I am good at sports, and games that involve small movements and fast reflexes, therefore I have good motor skills. I am also a social learner, I like to work in groups where I find it a lot easier to learn. I learn from my group and I take and share my ideas with them. I am alright socializing with others, I like to stay in my comfort zone with people I know but I am alright with talking to new people. I am also somewhat an interpersonal and logical learner, but I would say that I am mostly a spatial and kinesthetic learner. Usually I only actually try to learn things when I am interested in the topic, otherwise I wouldn’t get a clear understanding of what I learned.