Core Competencie-Self Reflection

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The project above is a perfect example of my strengths and how I’ve grown and devolved in my writing. I also had to use many techniques and skills such as: critical and creative thinking. Here’s how I used each method

Creative: This whole project required critical thinking. It required you to create a news report on a book of your choice. Not only did you have to create a title you had to make up interviews, where the setting was taken place, personal information was made up and so much more. This project was a challenge and I really had to critically think because as I said before, the whole project required to think outside the box and make some stuff up.

Critical: For my news report I had to look and search for quotes and important points in the book so I could use all of that information in one big project.  I had to chose pictures to use for my news report, I had to manage my time because I had a due date. All of these points I had to think it through and figure stuff out in my own therefore one of my methods I used to create my project was critically thinking

This project was a challenge for me and in the end I came out on top. I overcame the bumps I had to go over and I finished the project on time and well done. This project has taught me how to use my time wisely and make sure I stay on task. I’v also grown being able to freestyle and chose and figure out what I would like to do for a project and not only that but now I am able to put facts and information from a book or an online website and turn it into my own words and create a project out of the information I found out and combine it with my creativity and make a project.

sea devil questions

  1. Why does the man fish by night?
  • The man liked to fish by night because he liked to cast alone and found it very different from what they did in the 20th This leads to the conflict because he is unable to see what he is catching when its dark and quiet outside. The significance is that he does not fish for a living he fishes for fun.
  1. Identify 3 examples of foreshadowing?
  • An example of foreshadowing was when he slipped the knot over his wrists.
  • Another example of foreshadowing was when the man mentioned he let the baby porpoise go.
  • The third and final example of foreshadowing was when the author said “he looked closely to make sure no stingray was hidden in the mesh”.
  1. Identify the following parts of the parts plot: the complicating incident/ a single crisis/ the climax, the resolution and the ending
  • The complicating incident: The man wasn’t going to cast anything until he saw two or three mullets together in a group.
  • A single crisis: Was when the man realized that he had caught a sea devil instead of some mullets.
  • The climax: When the ray swam quickly and he made the choice to cut the rope, his plan worked out in the end.
  • The resolution: The man decided to let the mullet go and he would never go casting at night alone.
  • The ending: The ending is a happy ending because he was saved and realized that he cannot fish at night alone.
  1. One of the conflicts is between the civilized and primitive world (define these two words first). What is the purpose of the references made to the plane, the causeway, and the man’s wife at home?

Civilized world is where everyone is living and everything’s modern and developed.

Primitive world is where its only the natural aspects of earth and nature.

The conflict against the civilized world and primitive world is that the man against the ray and the darkness of the primitive world. The references of the planes and causeway were a sign or symbol to show that humans have accomplished a lot. The planes were to show how or that we can float through the air to travel the world, and the lights near the causeway is to overcome the struggles and things that are harder of the darkness. Now the man’s wife that had been sitting in her house is to show that mankind or the community is that it stays protected, warm, and entertained during the night.

  1. What does the man learn at the end of the story? Why does he release the mullet?

At the end of the story the man learns how it feels to not be the hunter and how to be the prey. The man had decided to release the mullet.


  1. Find 3 examples of descriptive language – this will lead into a discussion of figurative language.                                                                                                                   
  2. Personification – “the good, rough, honest wood”
  3. simile – “a great horned thing shot like a huge bat of of the water”
  4. figurative language – “he saw the mullet he had just caught, gasping its life away on the floor boards of the skiff.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   


  1. sullen – bad-tempered and sulky; gloomy.
  2. weltering – move in a turbulent fashion
  3. elemental – related to or embodying the powers of nature
  4. sinewy – consisting of or resembling sinews
  5. hoisted – raise (something) by means of ropes and pulleys
  6. phosphorescence – light emitted by a substance without combustion or perceptible heat
  7. cordage – cords or ropes, especially in a ship’s rigging.
  8. exhilaration – a feeling of excitement, happiness, or elation.
  9. atavistic – relating to or characterized by reversion to something ancient or ancestral
  10. centrifugal – moving or tending to move away from a center.
  11. gauntly – extremely thin and bony; haggard and drawn, as from great hunger, weariness, or torture; emaciated.
  12. impeding – delay or prevent (someone or something) by obstructing them; hinder.
  13. tenaciously – with a firm hold of something; closely.
  14. respite – a short period of rest or relief from something difficult or unpleasant.
  15. equilibrium – a state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced
  16. imminent – about to happen


A Mountain Journey Questions


  1.  What was Dave Conroy doing out in the wilderness?                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Dave Conroy is a trapper and he was on a six-week trapping session. Over those six weeks Dave undergoes natures true abilities, cold freezing weather and many other circumstances and he is driven to prove he can power through this weather
  2. At what point does the reader know the protagonist is in serious trouble and not likely to make it to MacMoran’s cabin?                                                                                                       When Dave realizes that the cabin has been burnt down, and he couldn’t open his lighter because his fingers were freezing and to cold to use his hands for their functions.
  3. What three critical mistakes did Conroy make? What are some of the things he could have done to prevent himself from freezing                                                                                      The three main mistakes he makes are: He doesn’t stop at the first tree. This was very impactful because, the rest would’ve given him the ability to reset and relax. He did not rest which caused many mistakes.  He did not set up camp and change clothes after falling into the river which could have prevented his hands from freezing when he tried to open his lighter. And finally, if he was trapping in March the weather wouldn’t have been as cold.
  4. Determine the elements of plot in this story: exposition, complicating incident, 3 crises, climax, and the denouement?                                                                                                     The first complicating incident is when he decides not to camp out and rest under the tree which could have prevented himself from making poor decisions. The first rising action is when Dave is coming down the hill on his skis and he falls into the river, this is important because cold weather mixed with cold water can lead to freezing.  The second rising action is when Dave finds out that the cabin has been burnt down, and he couldn’t stop it because his hands were freezing cold and he could barely move his fingers. The third and last rising action is when Dave makes one last effort on making it to another cabin 18 miles away, he drops his pack of furs on the ground and pushes onward. The climax is when Dave falls over into the snow and starts to hallucinate
  5. Describe the setting – how does the setting affect the plot and the theme of the story ?                                                                                                                                                              North Alberta in the mountains. Snowy weather
  6.  Find one example of symbolic setting ?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Dave refuses to camp out because of this promise of a warm cabin at the end of the five miles, but when he arrives, his cabin is burnt down
  7. Quote four images from the story that make effective comparisons ?                                                                                                                                                                                                     “His fire slept with him” pg 95  “That tree, like a strong and lonely woman, called to his wary body to stop” pg 92


  1. Eternal: Long lasting; forever
  2. Immobility: Unable to move
  3. Opaque: Can’t see through; solid
  4. Reverberation: A sound
  5. Momentum: a force that keeps you going after you stop
  6. Cadaverous: Pale
  7. Congregated: group of things
  8. Inundation: panic
  9. Beggared: poor/weak
  10. Filched: dig or fishing something out

The Friday Everything Changed Short Story Summary Questions

Tryston.H The Friday Everything Changed 2019-09-23

1. Because they think the boys are the strongest.
2. They exclude them, throw things at them, ruin their stackings pull the girls hair and the boys bully the girls. The girls stick up for each other (stand up to the bullies)
3. I am not 100% sure
She doesn’t care who carries the bucket of water
1st person
4. A older school in a third world country (small town school)
Everything that the girls get/receives, it gives the boys something to take away from them
Person vs society. The boys bully the girls in a big group therefore, Society= the group of boys, person= the girls
5. The girl who stood up for all the girls
Because she and the other girls stand up against the bullies and prove they can be just as good as the boys
6. The girls did not like the routine because it is not equal, so she tries to stand up for the other girls