Core competencie math 9

This project shows my growth in my communication skills because I was able to successfully explain a equation and hopefully let the viewers understand the concept. While doing this project I had to think of an equation I could do that was easy enough for the viewer and for myself to understand and of course I had to answer the question and correctly explain it. And I had to present it by posting on my Edu blog so this shows my growth in the social category for being able and willing to post on my blog

“”note unable to attach doc as It is a pdf””

Digital Footprint

A digital footprint is more then what you think it is. To have a good digital footprint is crucial into getting the job you want. But if you have a bad digital footprint that could be very costly in the future if you are applying for a job. If you have inappropriate things or just about anything that is negative takes an impact on your chances of getting hired. So you should be very aware on what you say online and who you say it to. Another reason why to have a good and clean digital footprint is for yourself/personal reasons. If your friends or peers find out you have something bad that you did in the past(example: they find pictures of you drinking underage) your friends will think of you differently and maybe they will shy away from you because of those awful things you did in the past online.

See the source image

When I searched myself up nothing really came up except for a couple old pictures of me and a picture with my old baseball team and a couple websites with my hockey and baseball stats from different tournaments and games. I am glad I found these things because it makes it seem like I am very active, athletic, good with others and I am committed. See the source image


To make sure you keep your digital footprint clean and positive you should. 1. watch the pictures/texts/videos you send to other people. Often times the things you say are a big impact and it will most likely be used against you, so watch what you send to your friends/family members etc. 2. Social media!! On social media you should watch what you post on Facebook/twitter/Instagram etc. Why should you watch what you post? If you post one wrong picture something that you shouldn’t be doing, people will get the wrong idea about you and your boss can type in your name and the first thing he sees are your posts and you definitely don’t want your boss looking at that big mistake you made by uploading that picture, to the public. 3. search yourself. Include your first and last name and make sure you check spelling. Find something about yourself online you don’t like and wish it would go away? If it was posted by a friend or not try contacting him or the site administrator and advise them to take the picture/article down.See the source image


I learned that I need to be aware that the texts I send between friends and family can be used against me and I need to watch the things I say. I feel like my fellow students, friends and family members should be aware about your digital footprint. I will show them the many articles about people being fired because of what their bosses saw online. Many peoples life gets jeopardized if they do not have a clean and safe digital footprint. See the source image




So before you send that picture/text or even before you post that inappropriate picture. Think twice and make double sure it is friendly and it wont get you in trouble. A clean digital footprint can lead to many good opportunities in the future








