chili cook off reflection

chili reflection:

For the chili cook off it was very fun and interesting to do. I think my group did very good and our process through it all was great. We didn’t come into many struggles and our chili turned out very good. what we shouldve done differently though is to have found a recipe with more veggies since we only had onions peppers and carrots ( besides tomatoes ) our recipe was simple but not too easy that we werent challenged to do lots. when we presented it to the judges we werent too nervous about how it would taste but they said they never had carrots in their chili. we got kind of nervous about it then they told us they liked it and that they were cooked perfectly.   we were pretty confident about our recipe and chili and over all we think we did very good.

thoughts on data analysis 2017

I think statistic’s have a big role in our society because of all of the stuff it contributes to. Such as politics, school events and a lot more. I learned that there is more problems then I thought with stats and data collection. I learned how it can be misleading or incorrect and how important they really are in society. One other thing I didn’t know is that “86% of statistics are made up on the spot, and the remaining 24% are mathematically flawed”. The problems with stats in out society is people to use false or incorrect and misleading information. Another problem is how it can be collected and gathered. Some common problems are bad sampling.