Month: October 2016

Science app reveiw

I chose to do my app reveiw on “periodic table quiz”

This app is free and is available on ios and android devices. It takes you to different levels of timed multiple choice quizzes which are all on different parts of the periodic table. Your score depends on the amount of time you finish each quiz in. The time counts down and the amount of time you have left after you complete the quiz determines your score. This app is very useful for learning about the periodic table. It helps you learn alot about the period tale from the element symbol, to the group the element belongs in, to the charge the element has and so much more. It’s basically an app that helps you memorize the information on the periodic table, it’s very useful if you were to study for a chemistry test or quiz. There are a number of levels and each level gets harder and harder but it improves your memorization. Even if you weren’t using this app to study for a quiz you could also use it just to learn about the periodic table in general, it’s a good app for either uses and i would recommend it if your wanting to memorize the periodic table.

define: in my opinion the problem that i occurs is that for each quiz it doesn’t tell you what the quiz is on. Ex. Element element charge. There are a few of quizzes with in this app on the element charge and in the egining of each quiz, it didn’t tell me what the quiz was based on, so when i started it, there were just a bunch of numbers for answer  a b c and d and it was hard to figure out what the quiz was based on.

dream: when we were doing our periodic table unit in science class, i found it not to hard but when i was studying for the unit test it was a little difficult to study off of the periodic table. I had thought of using an app to study and then i found this one and did pretty good on my test! This app helped me study and i repeated the quizzes until i could answer each question without having hesitation

Deliver: because i used this app to study for my test, my results were pretty good as my score on the test and i would not regret using this app to study

debrief: i believe this app did what it was supposed to do but i waited last minute to use this app and next time i would use my spare time wisely because this app is sort of time consuming because it involves memorization. It depends on how fast you learn but either way there are alot of levels so it could take some time to get through them (more…)

TED Talk – Industrial Revolution




My digital footprint

My digital footprint

When I searched my name into google my digital foot print seemed to be pretty clean, I didn’t find anything that showed a negative impact on my future. I found mostly sites that had to do with my previous gymnastics competitions including scoring, news articles and things on my clubs website. I also found a few previous posts from Pinterest and profile picture from Facebook and Facebook family tree posts that my mom had tagged me in.

A digital footprint could affect my future opportunities in a positive or negative way depending 0n my past. For example, if i or someone
else were to find something negative on the internet when searching my name it could decrease my chances of getting into a good collage/university then job and affect my whole career throughout my entire life and it would be hard to make up for that and gain trust w important people. Also if i were to get into any trouble in the future involving court of law i would be more likely to loose if i had negative things on my digital footprint.

To keep my digital footprint appropriate and safe i need to make sure that I don’t post or do anything bad online or that would offend someone because anything you do or say online stays there forever
and anyone can pull up evidence of your actions whenever they want and use it to their advantage. You need to be careful when texting online or through a comment section because people can take your words the wrong way in a way that you didn’t mean and screenshot it. Always read the terms and conditions before using a new site or social media and always check if the privacy settings are on. Also always think about what your about to do before you post it and if it will affect your future and how it would affect it.

If I could pass one thing off to to other students on what I’ve learned about a digital foot print, I would tell them to always think about
what their doing online before they make an action that everyone can see because whatever you post will affect your future and you don’t want it to affect your future in a bad way so to just be careful.

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