streptobacillus moniliformis– rat bite fever: It is an infectious disease that can be caused by two different bacteria; Streptobacillus
moniliformis in North America, and Spirillum minus mostly in Asia. When the latter occurs, the disease is often known as Haverhill fever– named after an outbreak that took place in Haverhill, Massachusetts. People usually get the disease from infected rodents, or consumption of contaminated food or water. Symptoms include vomiting, fever, rash, headache, and muscle and joint pain. They usually begin 3- 10 days after exposure.
Plocanium Cartilagineum– red algae: Red algae are ecologically significant as primary producers, providers of structural habitat for other marine organisms, and their important role in the primary establishment and maintenance of coral reefs. They have phycoerythrin, phycocyanin, and allophycocyanin as accessory pigments. They can be found in most coastal marine regions, often close to the surface in order to get
enough sunlight.
Candidatus Lokiarchaeota: Lokiarchaeota have never been seen nor isolated. It was first discovered in 2015, approximately 3283 m deep in the mid Atlantic Ocean. Although Lokis have never been seen, they have been detected time and time again after a careful reconstruction of the bacteria from samples of organisms surrounding it. Some of the proteins that have been found in Lokis are involved in processes regulating cell and membrane shape.
It relies heavily on salt, which affects the activity and thermostability of enzymes. Their ability to carry out metabolic pathways anaerobically also allows them to live in the bottom of the ocean where oxygen is scarce or nonexistent. M. kandleri is also stabilized by its high guanine and cytosine content.
Trypanosoma protozoa- trypanosomiasis: the parasite Trypanosoma brucei is transmitted by the bite of the tsetse fly, a gray-brown insect about the size of a honeybee. African trypanosomiasis is confined to tropical Africa, from north of South Africa to south of Algeria, Libya, and Egypt. Tsetse flies inhabit
rural areas only, living in the woodland areas of the savannah and the vegetation alongside streams. At first, the symptoms are nonspecific; fever, rash, and swollen glands. The disease will eventually progress to encephalitis and meningitis if not treated.
Toxoplasma gondii- Toxoplasmosis: Cats are the only known natural hosts of this parasite.Humans can become infected by any of several routes: eating undercooked meat of animals harbouring tissue cysts, blood transfusion or organ transplantation, or from mother to fetus. Humans do not often display symptoms, as a healthy persons immune system keeps this under control.
tinea pedis- Athletes foot: This infection commonly occurs in individuals who wear tight fitting, sweaty shoes for long periods of time. It more often than not begins between the toes, and then spreads throughout the food. It is often mistaken for eczema or severely dry skin. Symptoms include, scaly red rash, blisters, itching, stinging, and burning.
Ascomycota- Sac Fungi: The Ascomycota are a division of Fungi, whose members are known as the ‘Sac Fungi,’ which produce spores in a distinctive type of pattern. It is called an ascus. Examples of sac fungi in everyday life include yeast and penicillin.
Daucus carota- Wild Carrot, “Queen Anne’s Lace:” The Daucus carota is native to northern and temperate regions of Europe. Crush a Wild Carrot root, and you will find that it smells just like a carrot. D Carota shares striking similarities to poison hemlock, including the fact that both are poisonous to humans. The Carrot got its name through a legend that tells of Queen Anne pricking her finger on the plant and getting a drop of blood on her sewing.
Brassica oleracea ‘Romanesco’- Romanesco Broccoli: This Broccoli is a popular example of a naturally occurring fractal in nature.
Romanesco shares roots with Cauliflower, Broccoli, and cabbage. It is native to Italy. Each bud is composed of a series of smaller buds, all arranged in yet another logarithmic spiral. This pattern continues at several smaller levels.
Nycticebus- slow-moving Loris: is a nocturnal primate. This species has a rounded head with a short snout. Colouration varies throughout the greater slow loris’ range, but the thick and woolly coat tends to be a light brown colour with a broad, dark brown stripe running along the midline of the back. They are venomous:
glands are in both arms that secrete toxins whenever it is activated.
Canis lupus familiaris- Alaskan Malamute: This species was originally bred for hunting and pulling sleds. They have a thick double fur coat, a well furred tail, and share similar fur colours to the Alaskan husky. They have a natural prey drive, and can become destructive when bored. It is a utilitarian type of domestic dog: it works, hunts, and lives beside human beings. This makes them completely unreliable watchdogs.
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