My Graduation Plan

Healthy Living This year, I am playing Badminton and practicing martial arts to meet DPA requirements (150 mins/week of moderate to vigorous physical activity). Next year, I will continue playing badminton and practicing Martial Arts to meet DPA requirements. Other than physical activity, I will also need a concrete plan for healthy eating and stress management  in order to lead a healthy life after graduation. Course Credits I need 80 credits…

Workplace Safety

3 things I will do to stay safe at work I will remember to dress accordingly and utilize any safety gear given to me. I will notify my immediate superiors if I feel unsafe or harassed. I will speak up if I have questions.   2 things I will do to keep others safe at work I will notify my immediate superiors if I see any unsafe behaviours. I will…

The Human Condition: Mounira

In the Humans video, Mounira tells her experience living as a Syrian refugee in Jordan. She is forced to act as both mother and father to her children, as two of them including her husband are still in Syria, along with the rest of her family. She tells of how her children imitate the fighting they witnessed, and the nightmares they have every night. Her children were forced to become…