Government Responsibility Paragraph

The government apologized in 2008 for the residential schools. The government took it upon them selves to apologize for the outrageous behaviour we once had.  It was good to have a fresh start; on good terms. We let many people know how badly we felt and how we never want to treat people like this again. Talking about our mistakes has allowed us to learn from them and we are letting others know we never want to treat others like this again.


Residential schools happened many years ago and they are now closed. When the government chose to apologize for the actions that took place in Canada he was reminding us how badly things used to be. The government brought back all of those bad feelings and many had to re feel the depressing feelings that they had once felt during the residential school.


I agree with the government.  I believe the government was right to apologize for our past actions. The government represents Canada and Canada doesn’t want to go through something like this again. It is good to bring back our regretful feelings because it is a way for us to remember our mistakes and we can learn from our mistakes as well.